You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
Newleaf, 10°C - 20°C
Langzaam maar zeker komen de eerste bloemen weer op. De zon breekt weer door wat zorgt voor een aantal warme dagen. Newleaf zet alles in volle bloei.
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 You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us

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Dark forest
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Frkp8xW
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

Age: I am eternal (died at 30 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimeza 18 jan 2020 - 20:57

Run, wolf warrior, to ends eternal  
The brown tom slowly stalked through the cold grasses that covered WindClan territory. He was not out of camp for any particular reason, he just needed some space to clear his head. It was a cold leafbare day, the only thing that kept him warm on this day was the little bit of sun that shone through the milky clouds in the sky and his own fur. Wolfhearts tail slowly went from side to side as he stepped through the grass. Suddenly, his whiskers twitched when his nosed picked up a scent. One he had come to know very well over the coming weeks. The scent that covered Shatteredice every time he spoke with her. In the distance he could spot the silhouette of the cat that the scent belonged to. His big tail stood high in the air, indicating his dominance over this cat. He has promised to behave himself around her, but there were no promises when he was alone with her. He had dreamed about clawing her eyes out like she did to Shatteredice. To harm her like she had done herself. She was the sickness that resided inside WindClan. Sickness needed to be treated. He would present himself as cure for that sickness. "Well, well, how lovely to meet you today, Daintywhiff." he spoke when he came near. Sarcasm dripped from his words. He was not pleased to see her. He wanted her under the ground.

Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety

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You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Otcffas
Admit you were toxic
you poisoned me just for
another dollar in your pocket

Age: 72 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Moor Runner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 22:25

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us X10E2zv

Poot voor poot besloop ze de haas. Zijn goudbruine vachtje ging op in zijn lichtbruine omgeving. De grote oren draaide. Hij had haar opgemerkt. Daintywhiff rees op uit het gras en sprong naar voren. De haas was snel, maar zij was sneller. Met een snelle beet maakte ze het af. Daintywhiff droeg de prooi naar een plekje waar ze dacht dat het veilig was voor andere jagers zoals vossen. Ze duwde de pol gras over het kleine kuiltje. Niet ver ervandaan markeerde ze het eventjes, zodat ze het snel terug zou vinden. Door de geur van de haas had ze haar clangenoot niet opgemerkt. Zijn stem schrikte haar op. Wolfheart. Haar eigen hart verdonkerde, maar ze hield een fake glimlach op. Zijn stem maakte haar twijfelen. Shatteredice was haar trouw en ze hadden duidelijk ruzie, maar... ze vertrouwde het zaakje niet. Niet dat ze helderziend was, maar ze hield het achtergrond gevoel bij zich. "Wat is het een heerlijkheid om jouw ook te ontmoeten Wolf. Met wat ben jij je aan het bezighouden?" Haar twinkelende stem kwam er zo glad als een slang uit. Ze knipperde met haar ogen en zoals altijd gooide ze haar lichaam in haar praten. Deze bewoog zo sierlijk en attent. Anders dan wat er zich binnen in afspeelde. Hij was een veelvraat die weggeruimd moest worden omdat hij haar relatie aan taste, maar eerst moest hij haar kittens geven. Hij had de perfecte geest om gemanipuleerd te worden in een sterke warrior, haar 'puppet', maar Wolfheart was te oud... dus moest hij kinderen krijgen. Met Shattered die ook zo manipuleerbaar was. Perfect!

No Matter What I Do, I Don’t Feel Anything

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us 0iwmZUH
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Dark forest
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Frkp8xW
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

Age: I am eternal (died at 30 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 22:46

Run, wolf warrior, to ends eternal  
The small stutter in her reaction was an direct indicator that she hadn't noticed him at first. A small smirk krept around the toms face. When she started talking he felt the sudden urge to barf. The way she talked to him, moved towards him, made him uneasy and almost nauseous. He knew what she had planned, what she wanted and what she had done. "Nothing much, keeping busy making sure WindClan is save from intruders." he answered calmly, which wasn't a lie. He moved closer, there was no more than a fox-length between the two now. "I heard about your little plot, the kittens I am supposed to have with Shatteredice.." he tilted his head. He hoped that woul ring a bell in her head. "You don't think I'm that easy right? That I'm just willing to do that for you? Especially when I'm not even on speaking terms with Shatteredice. What's the saying again? An eye for an eye?" he raised an eyebrow at her. "I want something from you in return."

Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Otcffas
Admit you were toxic
you poisoned me just for
another dollar in your pocket

Age: 72 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Moor Runner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 23:23

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us X10E2zv

Hij leek wel over te geven. Wel, dat was eigenlijk wel een beetje gemeen en totaal niet warrior waardig. Waarin was hij gezonken? Ze ging zitten, want het leek alsof hij een lang en melig gesprek wou beginnen. En zo begon hij, met een waarschuwing. Haar gezicht bleef strak, maar haar staart gaf weg dat ze het had gehoord. Binnen in haarzelf nam ze het tweede oog voor Shatteredice weg. Die verdomde poes. Ze geloofde nu voor geen haar meer dat ze 'ruzie' hadden. Gelukkig voor haar verbleef ze nu in Riverclan. Als ze terug kwam zou ze voelen. Daintywhiff knipperde bij zijn volgende woorden. Ze wiebelde met haar oren en trok net zoals hem haar wenkbrauw op. "Wel er zijn nog meer van die uitspraken, tand om tand..." Ze liet de stilte vallen terwijl ze verder niets bewoog, maar gewoon in zijn koude gouden ogen staarde. Wel hij had hetzelfde uitzicht, dezelfde gouden ogen, misschien iets lichter en depressiever gekleurd. Daarna begon ze zonder waarschuwing te lachen. Haar snorren twinkelden op en neer terwijl het borrelende geluid over de heide verspreidde. "Oh Wolfheart ik mag hopen dat... dit niet dat ik denk dat het is. Wil je echt kittens met mij oh," ze gniffelde zachtjes en liet haar ogen om haar heen flitsen. "goed dat Shatteredice niet in de buurt is."

No Matter What I Do, I Don’t Feel Anything

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us 0iwmZUH
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Dark forest
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Frkp8xW
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

Age: I am eternal (died at 30 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 23:36

Run, wolf warrior, to ends eternal  
The surprised look on her face was a confirmation that she had noticed his play on words with 'an eye for an eye'. She sat down, looked almost bored even. There was silence after her retort. He looked into her eyes and she in his. They stared at each other for a while, feeling out the tension in the air. Then she started laughing, her whiskers twitching as she did. A confused look stood on the tom-cats face. "You really think I would want that from you? You're even more stupid than I thought you were." he snarled. He lashed his tail in anger. "I want you to admit it. To the whole of WindClan. Admit what you've done, admit there was never a fox and that you were the sadistic bitch that took Shatteredice's eye." he gave her a stern look, made sure she would understand every other word he spoke next. "Because I know for sure that it was you who did it."

Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Otcffas
Admit you were toxic
you poisoned me just for
another dollar in your pocket

Age: 72 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Moor Runner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 23:46

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us X10E2zv

Ze lachte nog steeds terwijl een nieuw plan in haar hoofd ontplooide. Hoewel ze niet goed wist wat ze nu met hém moest aanvangen, wist ze wel hoe ze Shatteredice terug kon krijgen, want daarin was ze goed. Wraak. Ze gniffelde en schudde haar kopje. "Het is andersom Wolfheart, jij bent dommer dan ik dacht. Ík iets bekennen zodat ik mijn rang verlies?" Ze schudde haar hoofd en gaf hem de liefste glimlach die ze in haar verzameling had staan. Daintywhiff stond op en liep naar voren. Gesnor kwam uit haar keel terwijl ze om hem heen cirkelde en haar staart onder zijn kin heen schoof, zo zijn ego kietelde. "Gefeliciteerd je hebt zonet Shatteredice's leven nog meer verpest..." Ze draaide haar kop naar hem om en gaf hem een knipoog.

No Matter What I Do, I Don’t Feel Anything

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us 0iwmZUH
Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
Dark forest
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Frkp8xW
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

Age: I am eternal (died at 30 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimedi 21 jan 2020 - 23:55

Run, wolf warrior, to ends eternal  
She was still laughing. The most annoying sound he had ever heard. Then she moved closer to him, telling him how he was the stupid one. She circled around him, tail under his chin while he continued to mock him. How he had ruined Shatterice's life right now. The brown tom felt anger boil deep inside his stomach. A deep pit of anger raged inside of him. "Please continue to tell me how I am ruining things, sadistic bitch." while he snarled those last words at her, he opened his mouth to try to grab a hold of her tail. He wanted to tug her for miles trough WindClan territory, if he had the strength and chance. "Not before I've teached you a lesson in dignity."

Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Otcffas
Admit you were toxic
you poisoned me just for
another dollar in your pocket

Age: 72 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Moor Runner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us   You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us Icon_minitimezo 22 maa 2020 - 15:07

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us X10E2zv

Haar koude ogen werden in het mate van het mogelijke nog killer. Ze gromde boos toen hij zijn tanden in haar gekleurde staart zetten. "I was joking, bloody hell Wolfheart. You are taking this way to serious." Ze probeerde haar staart los te wurmen uit zijn bek, maar verroerde zich voor de rest niet. Daintywhiff keek hem strak in de ogen, voordat ze met deze rolden. "You want the truth? I am in love with Shatteredice and... I think she can't handle it. She tells me I am dangerous, probably for her relationship and yes they broke up now. But is that my fault? No." Ze keek weg, haar spieren trilden van de pijn die door haar staart schoot. "The day she lost her eye... Yes i was with her, telling her I loved her and I wanted to become mates. She was utterly shooked and ran, when I followed her after half an hour the fox was already gone and I found her bleeding on the ground. There was nothing that I could do," miauwde ze bars. Niet alles hiervan was een leugen. "Shatteredice told me that it was a fox and yes she smelled like it, but I tried to find that filthy creature and couldn't pick up his scent... I-I can't explain that part... You should ask hér if you want answers."

No Matter What I Do, I Don’t Feel Anything

You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us 0iwmZUH
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You want glory, I need none and it's coming between us
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