»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
Newleaf, 10°C - 20°C
Langzaam maar zeker komen de eerste bloemen weer op. De zon breekt weer door wat zorgt voor een aantal warme dagen. Newleaf zet alles in volle bloei.
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 »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«

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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimezo 15 jun 2014 - 15:39

Hey Little Lion Man

»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...

Hey Guys,
Leuk dat je kijkt en welkom bij mijn nieuwe Drop topic, de vorige stond inmiddels vol met accounts die niet meer van mij waren, of dood. Dus zie hier, mijn nieuwe drop topic!
Ik heb een paar regeltjes though *diepe zucht* I know, niemand houd van regels, ik ook niet… Dus zijn ze heerlijk logisch en makkelijk.

» Please, do not steal any of the stuff
» Please, opmerkingen via pb

Het zijn er maar twee! *vreugdedans*

Dan nog snel even een belangrijke vraag aan jullie!

» Please, zeg me als jouw account mijne ontmoet heeft maar er niet bij staat! Ik ben soms even het overzicht kwijt ^^"

Thanx 4 Watching!!


»Didn't I, my dear?«

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op di 24 jun 2014 - 21:36; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimewo 18 jun 2014 - 20:21

Weep Little Lion Man

»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…

|• Don't Let Them In
|• Don't Let Them See

Hail is een poes die erg op haarzelf is. Loyaal is ze enorm, maar sociaal dan weer niet.

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 34xor5d

Hailpaw, 7 Moons, Shadowclan

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 1hdv2q

|• Proud
|• Loyal

Gegroeid tot een knappe, loyale kater die de trots van zijn clan hoog houdt.

Tallpaw, 12 Moons, Shadowclan

|• Anti-Others
|• Loner
|• Dead
Een vriendloze, harde poes die zich vanbinnen erg alleen voelt maar vanbuiten boos is.

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 2ihba6f

Crimsoncry, 15 Moons, Shadowclan

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 1zeffvt

|• Teddy Bear
|• Alone

Een ex-Shadowclan kater die altijd lief doet maar eigenlijk heel alleen is.

Pepper., 54 Moons, Ex-Shadowclan

|• Tender
|• Patriotistic
|• Dead
Vrolijke, patriottistische Windclanner die voor alles en iedereen door het vuur zal gaan.

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 2qlv47r

Firework, 29 Moons, Windclan

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 2efi076

|• Insecure
|• Harsh
|• Weg
Onzekere apprentice, met abnormaal hoge stem, die anderen afsnauwt ter verdediging

Echopaw, 9 Moons, Windclan

|• Sadist
|• Arrogant

Berekenende genius die erg arrogant maar ook erg likeable is en altijd een plan heeft voor eigen gewin

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 6iwprc

Coldkit, 1 Moon, Thunderclan

»In your own head«

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallshadow op za 27 dec 2014 - 15:27; in totaal 4 keer bewerkt
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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 21 jun 2014 - 13:40

Tremble Little Lion Man

»You know that you have seen this all before«
»You'll never settle any of your scores«
»Your grace is wasted in your face«
»Your boldness stands alone among the wreck«
Now learn from your mother or else spend your days...

Shadowclan . Bonds . Hailpaw

Naam: Ashdrizzle | Daddy ♥
Thoughts: Daddy, you're nice

Naam: Fawnstep | Mommy..
Thoughts: I can take care of myself

Naam: Slatepaw | Pending..
Thoughts: You took dad!

Naam: Roughpaw | Pending..
Thoughts: Young, Wild and Free sissy

Naam: Acepaw | Pending..
Thoughts: How's your mate?
Naam: Runningvole | Pending..
Thoughts: When are the kits due?

Riverclan . Bonds . Hailpaw

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Hailpaw

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Windclan . Bonds . Hailpaw

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

»Biting your own neck«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op za 4 okt 2014 - 12:16; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimedi 24 jun 2014 - 21:21

Hey Little Lion Man

»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...

Shadowclan . Bonds . Tallpaw

Cat: Wolftail | Dad
Thoughts: I hope I won't be like you later!

Cat: Shrewstar | Mom
Thoughts: Thank you.. I'll make you proud!

Cat: Thrushdive | Brother
Thoughts: You are confusing.

Cat: Sharppaw | Pending..
Thoughts: Not quite sure brother

Cat: Lightninghowl | Brother
Thoughts: Get well soon, very soon

Cat: Runningvole | Sister
Thoughts: I will always love you

Cat: Timeleap | Brother
Thoughts: Be careful, and fine, you're smarter

Cat: Acepaw | P.I.C.
Thoughts: The words say enough

Cat: Ashdrizzle | Pending...
Thoughts: You confuse me a lot.. Are we friends?

Cat: Frostmist | Pending...
Thoughts: Don't know you that well

Cat: Frostpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I think we're friends right?

Cat: Redwhisker | No
Thoughts: I don't like you

Cat: Arcanewish | Pending...
Thoughts: Do you love or hate me?

Cat: Cherrypaw | Friend
Thoughts: You were my first real friend, I won't forget that!

Cat: Frostlake | Mentor
Thoughts: You are my mentor, and I must say you're doing great; for now

Cat: Innerghost | Awesome
Thoughts: You're great, but why the fighting?

Cat: Nevermind | Awesome
Thoughts: You are a real friend, and just freaggin' awesome!

Cat: Summertime | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Slenderstep | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know who to trust anymore

Cat: Gloriousnight | Friend
Thoughts: You are very nice to me!

Cat: Melonkit | No
Thoughts: So self-centered… Tsk

Cat: Lone-One | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually

Cat: Snowdot | Pending...
Thoughts: Just a Warrior, but a hot-headed one for sure!

Cat: Lastkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Drizzlecave | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Minkkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually

Cat: Darkclaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Just a Warrior, nothing special

Cat: Finestheart | Pending...
Thoughts: Grumpy Elder alert!

Cat: Smokebreath | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't think you liked my questions, I did like you though!

Cat: Leopardpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Snowykit | Pending...
Thoughts: You got bigger, but our friendship will stay I hope!

Cat: Oakpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Bitterkit | Pending...
Thoughts: You think quite high of yourself.. Wake up!

Cat: Cornkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually…

Cat: Wolfpaw | Pending..
Thoughts: Do not meddle in the affairs of my family!

Cat: Eaglecry | No
Thoughts: Sh!

Cat: Forcekit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually…

Cat: Thistlepaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually

Cat: Slatepaw | Dem Devil
Thoughts: There are no words discovered to describe you yet D:

Cat: Roughpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well..

Cat: Windkit | Pending...
Thoughts: You learn quick

Cat: Lurkingkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well..

Cat: Ivykit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well..

Cat: Crossroad | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well..

Cat: Flamepath | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well..

Cat: Stormpaw | Cute
Thoughts: She's so fluffy I'm gonna dieeee!

Cat: Otterflight | Pending...
Thoughts: I acted quite strange when we met..

Cat: Leopardgaze | Pending...
Thoughts: We took prey, and it was awesome!

Cat: Wagpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Hiddendance | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Littlestream | Sorry...
Thoughts: I've treated you badly

Cat: Dimpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Li'l niece

Cat: Wintertime | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Wonderland | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Falsefaith | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Dreamwish | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Littlepaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Heatherpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Rowankit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Ravenheart | Pending...
Thoughts: You're quite nice

Cat: Icepaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Forestpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Bloodkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Hedgekit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Fawnstep | Pending...
Thoughts: You don't like me

Cat: Stoatkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Snowynight | Nice
Thoughts: You're nice!

Cat: Whitekit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Dawnkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Bluepaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I was faster, although you're good!

Cat: Russetfur | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Petalpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Crossfaith | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Aurynight | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Eeltail | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Raspberry | Pending...
Thoughts: I think you're a friend

Cat: Amberpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Icicleshard | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Sparkrain | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Ratbite | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Ashdance | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Fadingpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Lastpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Innerkit | Pending...
Thoughts: You are really smart, I just might like you

Cat: Dragonfly | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Lockedkit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Icykit | Pending...
Thoughts: You're fluffy!

Cat: Icekit | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually…

Cat: Sinpaw | Friend
Thoughts: You always know how to cheer me up

Riverclan . Bonds . Tallpaw

Cat: Flowpaw | Nice
Thoughts: You're sad, but nice

Cat: Quietpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Sometimes I'd think you hate me

Cat: Thistleclaw | Pending...
Thoughts: You weren't hostile, but still

Cat: Crowmask | Pending...
Thoughts: Good Talk *sarcasm*

Cat: Smokekit -now 'paw'- | Pending...
Thoughts: You were nice, will you stay that way?

Cat: Dawnstar | Pending...
Thoughts: You seem like a good leader

Cat: Snakebites | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Leafbreeze | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Choppedpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Tunapaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Thunderfang | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Larkpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Mazelock | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Glacierfall | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Honeypaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Make sure Flow's alright please..

Thunderclan . Bonds . Tallpaw

Cat: Nimblepaw | Nice
Thoughts: We played nicely together

Cat: Starlingpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: You're quite strange

Cat: Softvoice | Pending...
Thoughts: Good luck with the kits!

Cat: Honeydew | Pending...
Thoughts: We had a message, sort of

Cat: Ravenmask | Pending...
Thoughts: You're annoying!

Cat: Wintersong | Pending...
Thoughts: We beat you guys!

Cat: Winterpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: We beat you guys!

Cat: Brightspots | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Vixenpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Great heavens you were scared!

Cat: Jaytail | Pending...
Thoughts: My Irish is good

Cat: Silentpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Windclan . Bonds . Tallpaw

Cat: Lionroar | Pending...
Thoughts: You hit me..

Cat: Owlflight | No
Thoughts: You suck

Cat: Goldenpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: You and I didn't really talk

Cat: Spottedpaw | Nice
Thoughts: I'm sorry it had to go like this

Cat: Tinderpaw | Nice
Thoughts: You understand me, why? How? Thanx..

Cat: Brokenpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: We got of on the wrong foot I guess

Cat: Frostnight | Sorry...
Thoughts: I killed you....

Cat: Flashpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Shadepaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Lionbeat | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Birchpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: You're annoying

Cat: Craneclaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Lizardpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Watch over your sisters please

Cat: Sparrowpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well actually...

Cat: Crowpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: Ooops..

»Didn't I, my dear?«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op za 4 okt 2014 - 12:19; in totaal 5 keer bewerkt
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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 28 jun 2014 - 13:18

Weep Little Lion Man

»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…

Shadowclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: Nightspark | Pending...
Thoughts: I don't know you that well

Naam: Fallentear | Pending...
Thoughts: You're okay

Naam: Thistlepaw | Pending..
Thoughts: Whatever...

Naam: Icepaw | Pending..
Thoughts: Whatever...

Riverclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: Brokenkit | Pending...
Thoughts: You won't see the sunlight again next time

Windclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: Lakepaw | ♥
Thoughts: You are my sunshine

»In your own head«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 28 jun 2014 - 14:06

Tremble Little Lion Man

»You know that you have seen this all before«
»You'll never settle any of your scores«
»Your grace is wasted in your face«
»Your boldness stands alone among the wreck«
Now learn from your mother or else spend your days...

Ex-Shadowclan . Bonds . Pepper.

Naam: Sugar | Sister
Thoughts: I will always be there for you

Naam: Salt | Sister
Thoughts: Watch for Sugar, I love you

Riverclan . Bonds . Pepper.

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Pepper.

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Windclan . Bonds . Pepper.

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

»Biting your own neck«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimema 30 jun 2014 - 21:33

Hey Little Lion Man

»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...

Shadowclan . Bonds . Firework

Cat: Silvernight | Nice
Thoughts: Peculiar cat you are..

Riverclan . Bonds . Firework

Cat: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Firework

Cat: Maskedheart | Pending...
Thoughts: Uhum...

Windclan . Bonds . Firework

Cat: Everstar | Pending...
Thoughts: Mmmm..

Cat: Lionroar | Pending..
Thoughts: Dunno

Cat: Skymask | Pending...
Thoughts: You're dead

Cat: Lionbeat | ♥
Thoughts: I love you

Cat: Fadedpaw | Son
Thoughts: I will always love you no matter what!

Cat: Flashpaw | Son
Thoughts: Don't be afraid of the Lightning

Cat: Owlflight | Pending...
Thoughts: You were a good apprentice

Cat: Birchpaw | Pending...
Thoughts: You. Annoying. Little. Brat.

»Didn't I, my dear?«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 5 jul 2014 - 15:00

Weep Little Lion Man

»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…

Shadowclan . Bonds . Echopaw

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Riverclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Windclan . Bonds . Crimsoncry

Naam: Gingerpaw | Bro
Thoughts: I'll fight with you 'till the end of time brother

Naam: Flashpaw | Pending…
Thoughts: Seriously? A stick?

»In your own head«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimevr 22 aug 2014 - 13:21

Tremble Little Lion Man



»You know that you have seen this all before«
»You'll never settle any of your scores«
»Your grace is wasted in your face«
»Your boldness stands alone among the wreck«
Now learn from your mother or else spend your days...

ader Hailkit 1

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»Biting your own neck«

© Sykes

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op za 23 aug 2014 - 2:07; in totaal 4 keer bewerkt
Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimevr 22 aug 2014 - 13:30

Hey Little Lion Man



»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...

ader Tall 1
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Versie 2:

»Didn't I, my dear?«

© Sykes

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op za 23 aug 2014 - 2:10; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 23 aug 2014 - 1:56

Weep Little Lion Man

The one that will rule them all
Never give up without a fight

»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…
Kader 2 Tall
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text  

»In your own head«

TAGGED » words » note » THANKS

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Laatst aangepast door Tallpaw op za 23 aug 2014 - 2:12; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 23 aug 2014 - 1:58

Tremble Little Lion Man
»Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior Ito«

»You know that you have seen this all before«
»You'll never settle any of your scores«
»Your grace is wasted in your face«
»Your boldness stands alone among the wreck«
Now learn from your mother or else spend your days...
Kader 3 Tall Thanx to Maaike a.k.a. Littlewish/Silverfang
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»Biting your own neck«

Apprentice   |     |   9  Moons

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimeza 23 aug 2014 - 2:21

Hey Little Lion Man

It's rage and it's hate, and a sick twist of fate
and that's the truth about love

»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...
Kader 1 Crimsoncry
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»Didn't I, my dear?«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimewo 8 jul 2015 - 1:24

Weep Little Lion Man



»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…

ader Pepper 1
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»In your own head«

© Sykes

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimewo 8 jul 2015 - 1:25

Tremble Little Lion Man

»You know that you have seen this all before«
»You'll never settle any of your scores«
»Your grace is wasted in your face«
»Your boldness stands alone among the wreck«
Now learn from your mother or else spend your days...

Kader 1 Firework
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»Biting your own neck«

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimewo 8 jul 2015 - 1:26

Hey Little Lion Man



»But it was not your fault but mine«
»And it was your heart on the line«
»I really Mousedung it up this time«
»Didn't I, my dear?«
Didn't I, my...

ader Echopaw 1

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

»Didn't I my dear?«

© Sykes

»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

Terug naar boven Ga naar beneden
»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« 4pt8gz
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"

Age: 54 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitimewo 8 jul 2015 - 1:26

Weep Little Lion Man

»You're not as brave as you were at the start«
»Rate yourself and rake yourself«
»Take all the courage you have left«
»Wasted on fixing all the problems «
That you made…

Shadowclan . Bonds . Coldkit

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: No thoughts yet

Riverclan . Bonds . Coldkit

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: -

Thunderclan . Bonds . Coldkit

Naam: Runningkit | Little Brother
Thoughts: Oh my.

Naam: Maplekit | Little Sister
Thoughts: Double oh my.

Naam: Glowpaw | Big red thing
Thoughts: No

Naam: Softvoice | Big red thing
Thoughts: No

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: No thoughts yet

Windclan . Bonds . Coldkit

Naam: - | -
Thoughts: No thoughts

»In your own head«


»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Os_tal10

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BerichtOnderwerp: Re: »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«   »ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ« Icon_minitime

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»ȴıʈʈľɛ ȴıɵŋ Mąŋ«
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