Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!

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 Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!

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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL

Age: Eternal
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimeza 11 okt 2014 - 20:32

Haar ogen opende eerst langzaam maar toen in één keer. Hoe lang was haar 'dutje' wel niet geweest? Toen ze ermee begon was het nog volop licht, en nu donker? Wat ze wel wist is dat ze nu genoeg energie had om te jagen, wat ze een paar uur geleden niet had. Met een glimlach stond ze op waarna ze elegant ging rekken, al leek het op sommige momenten niet zo, er schuilde toch echt wel een dame in haar. Haar sprong van de rots was dan ook perfect, al was hij behoorlijk luid.

Misschien dat Demon wakker word door de luide dreun? :3 Had iets nodig om ruzie over te maken right?

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! EZCTNRm

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Rut9qs
Raza's voice

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2gxnp75Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2hqc5lx Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 34nodx3Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23h0tfkSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23mrb6w
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Vmwrhy
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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimezo 12 okt 2014 - 18:09

Met een gefrustreerde grom bracht de enorme kater zichzelf overeind. Zijn ogen waren nog halfdicht na het liggen in de zon, en zijn tabbyvacht reflecteerde het licht op een aantal bosjes. De overvolle hondentanden halsband had diepe gaten gelaten in het vochtige zand, en het zilveren, glimmende en scherpe twolegding sneed een takje door toen de kater eindelijk overeind was gekomen. Nog chagrijniger dan dat hij al was zag hij eruit toen hij richting een of andere poes liep die hem totaal niks kon schelen. "Kan het A.U.B. wat zachter, zelfs ik land niet zo luid met mijn grootte." Beet hij, totaal niet vriendelijk maar ook niet agressief; Eerder venijnig. De enorme tabby die wal een heel stuk boven de poes uitstak - wat bij heel veel katten zo was - krulde zijn lip op, terwijl hij kleine rondjes liep om de poes heen om haar even te inspecteren. Een bruine poes, wat een feest. De geur van Bloodclan drong nu pas tot hem door en snel ontkrulde hij zijn lip weer. Een diepe gaap ontsnapte uit zijn bek, en zijn groene ogen staarden recht naar de poes.

>3 Demon gaat heel evil zijn

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ojj920
||Demon||Sunset||Brokenwing|| Venice || Wolfkiller ||
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! RCT9lSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ew9Q7Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 9s9CzSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! WOp58

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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL

Age: Eternal
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimewo 15 okt 2014 - 21:21

Haar kop draaide naar de richting van het geluid waarna haar oren gelijk plat in haar nek gingen. "Pardon? Zo luid was ik ook al weer niet, daarbij praat je niet zo tegen een dame." Sprak ze en haar 'wenkbrauwen' schoten omhoog. "Trouwens, zo groot ben je ook weer niet hoor." Ze glimlachte spottend waarna ze Fishface* zwiepte met haar staart.


Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Rut9qs
Raza's voice

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2gxnp75Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2hqc5lx Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 34nodx3Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23h0tfkSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23mrb6w
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Vmwrhy
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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimeza 18 okt 2014 - 19:39

"Word mevrouw een beetje boos?" Na haar zin had hij zich groter opgesteld waardoor hij een heel stuk groter was dan de poes. "Zo praat je niet tegen een kater." Siste hij. Zijn zwarte met hondentanden volgepropte halsband glimde vervaarlijk, en met het zilveren, scherpe twolegding hakte hij met gemak een takje doormidden. "Raza toch?" Demon stapte dreigend dichterbij en lachte.

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ojj920
||Demon||Sunset||Brokenwing|| Venice || Wolfkiller ||
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! RCT9lSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ew9Q7Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 9s9CzSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! WOp58

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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL

Age: Eternal
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimezo 19 okt 2014 - 19:15

Ze moest lachen om de kater, hoe stoer voelde hij zich? Ja, zijn band was gevuld. Maar die van haar ook, misschien voller, misschien niet. Maar hem aankunnen? Dat kon ze zeker, daar was ze van overtuigd. Raza keek hem recht in de ogen toen hij de tak brak, groen... Net zoals die van haar. Ze grauwde naar zijn vraag, een soort ja. "Demon." Sprak ze dood, hem niet teveel aandacht willen geven. Ze wou laten zien dat ze beter was dan hem, maar als hij verder zou gaan kon zij er ook wel wat van.

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Rut9qs
Raza's voice

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2gxnp75Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2hqc5lx Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 34nodx3Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23h0tfkSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23mrb6w
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Vmwrhy
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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimeza 1 nov 2014 - 11:39

Ai, zij werkte zo op zijn zenuwen. Hij wist, heel erg goed dat hij sterker was dan de poes. Hijzelf was enorm, zijn zwarte halsband volgepropt met hondentanden en één of twee vossentanden er tussen zitten. Tenslotte had hij nog het twolegding achterop zijn halsband, waarmee hij met al het gemak kelen van honden, katten of wat dan ook kon doorsnijden. En, niet te vergeten. De reden waarom hij Demon heet; Een tweede karakter die als een demoon rondspookt in zijn lichaam, maar als hij boos word neemt hij het over, en vecht de demoon zonder ook maar pijn te hebben, waarop Demon hem niet kon stoppen. “Nou, Raza.” Sprak hij eentonig en ongeïnteresseerd, waarna hij haar geen aandacht schonk door van haar weg te kijken, waardoor het scherpe zilveren twolegding vervaarlijk scheen, en een fel licht reflecteerde op Raza. “Hoe gaat het met het wichtje?” Een duivelse grijns sierde zijn gezicht, en met een snelle draai staarde hij haar recht aan met zijn kille, groene ogen.

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ojj920
||Demon||Sunset||Brokenwing|| Venice || Wolfkiller ||
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! RCT9lSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ew9Q7Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 9s9CzSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! WOp58

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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL

Age: Eternal
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimezo 16 nov 2014 - 20:26

Ze toonde echter geen angst, omdat ze deze niet hád. Sure hell hij was groot, dus? Toen hij wegkeek wou ze dat ook doen maar het glinsterende ding op zijn halsband deed haar aandacht daarop zetten. Oké, dus ze moest opletten voor zijn hals. "Ach, het gaat super. En, hoe gaat het met het gammel?" Spuugde ze waarna hij ogen zich verdonkerde tot zwart, kil, zonder enige emotie en vooral zonder angst. Ze was stukken kleiner maar waarschijnlijk dan ook stukken leniger, wat haar wat voordeel gaf.

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Rut9qs
Raza's voice

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2gxnp75Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2hqc5lx Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 34nodx3Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23h0tfkSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23mrb6w
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Vmwrhy
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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimedi 18 nov 2014 - 9:25

"Helemaal geweldig." Sprak hij grijnzend, en stak zijn nagel onder zijn halsband en. Verschoof hem even zodat hij weer perfect zat. "Nog iets interessants gedaan de laatste tijd?" grinnikend  sloeg hij zijn klauwen uit in de aarde, en gromde even heel serieus. Na haar heel boos aangekeken te hebben begon hij te lachen, oh wat was hij toch grappig.

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ojj920
||Demon||Sunset||Brokenwing|| Venice || Wolfkiller ||
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! RCT9lSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Ew9Q7Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 9s9CzSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! WOp58

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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! DPKsfdL

Age: Eternal
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!   Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Icon_minitimezo 23 nov 2014 - 11:48

Ze trok haar 'wenkbrauwen' op op zijn vraag, wat een humor. "Waarschijnlijk meer dan jij, bewegen zou voor zo'n groot mormel nogal lastig gaan of niet?" Ze keek hem met een vragend gezicht aan en negeerde zijn grom en vervolgende lach. Had hij nou totaal niet door hoe belachelijk hij eruit zag?

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Rut9qs
Raza's voice

Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2gxnp75Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 2hqc5lx Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 34nodx3Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 10pvxmwSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23h0tfkSorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! 23mrb6w
Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan! Vmwrhy
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Sorry I thought we were allies, although we are in the same mf clan!
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