It's cold - Pagina 2

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
Newleaf, 10°C - 20°C
Langzaam maar zeker komen de eerste bloemen weer op. De zon breekt weer door wat zorgt voor een aantal warme dagen. Newleaf zet alles in volle bloei.
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 It's cold

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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedi 16 jul 2019 - 18:54

Het was zeker waar dat een rustige newleaf fijn zou zijn als het ook op de andere clans aankwam, maar dat kon je nooit zeker weten. Het was tenslotte niet alsof Shadowclan zou kunnen weten hoe de andere clans zouden reageren als er een lange tijd geen prooi was. Dat verschilde per territorium en daarmee per clan. "Het scheelt dat we geen directe grens met Riverclan hebben." Sprak hij dan ook. Windclan of Thunderclan zouden er waarschijnlijk meer last van hebben dan hun. "Maar we zullen zien, het is niet alsof we dit nu allemaal al kunnen voorspellen." Sprak hij rustig.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
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Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimevr 26 jul 2019 - 11:57

Als er één clan was waarmee hij het niet eens was, dan was het wel RiverClan. Hij wist niet precies waarom, maar het was gewoon zo. Hij was het er niet mee eens met de keuzes die Butterstar maakte voor haar Clan. "Het scheelt dat we geen directe grens met RiverClan hebben." klonk er van de deputy af, waarop hij rustig knikte. Mee eens. Hij wilde niet weten wat voor rare fratsen Butterstar zou doen als ShadowClan naast haar clan zou liggen. "Maar we zullen zien, het is niet alsof we dit nu allemaal al kunnen voorspellen." klonk er rustig van de kater af, waarop Cormorant even knipperde. "Ik denk van wel." sprak hij rustig tegen zijn deputy, nog steeds wel met alle respect. "De rivier, de grootste voedselbron van RiverClan is dicht. Butterstar zit al langer een beetje ruzie te maken met iedereen. RiverClan heeft weinig prooi, waarschijnlijk nog minder dan dat wij hebben. Het is een kwestie van tijd voordat Butterstar een beslissing neemt en ofwel een stuk van WindClan of ThunderClan overneemt." sprak hij tegen de oudere kater. Hij was er zeker van, bijna honderd procent zeker. Zeker met zo'n strenge winter.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedi 20 aug 2019 - 15:40

Het was waar dat een deel te voorspellen was, maar toch bleef er genoeg onvoorspelbaar. Het feit dat de rivier nu dicht zat met ijs was natuurlijk waar, maar je kon nooit weten welke clan Riverclan zou besluiten om prooi van te stelen. Tenslotte was het niet alsof ze de rivier niet over konden steken om naar Thunderclan te gaan. "Dat is zeker waar, maar welke van de twee is nog steeds lastig te voorspellen. Gelukkig weten we vrij zeker dat ze niet naar ons zullen komen zonder eerst langs een van de andere clans te gaan." Dat was tenminste wat hij vanuit ging en was dat niet het geval zouden ze ook zeker klaar zijn.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimewo 9 okt 2019 - 2:15

Hij was klaar met de drama van Riverclan. ThunderClan hield zich stil voor nu en daar was hij blij mee ook. Zodra ThunderClan begon te mengen in alles zou alles losbreken en blij was hij er niet mee. "Dat is zeker waar, maar welke van de twee is nog steeds lastig te voorspellen. Gelukkig weten we vrij zeker dat ze niet naar ons zullen komen zonder eerst langs een van de andere clans te gaan." sprak de kater, waarop hij even zuchtte. Hij hoopte het maar, voor de clans sake. "Dat hoop ik dan maar." bromde hij tegen de deputy. En dat deed hij echt, want hij had er niet veel zin in om de dingen op te lossen voor de andere clans. Echt niet. Er was al genoeg mis in hun eigen clan daarvoor.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimezo 3 nov 2019 - 20:46

Hij hoopte wel dat hij gelijk had, maar voor nu konden ze er alleen maar rekening mee houden voor het geval het zou gebeuren. Maar als Riverclan echt wilde zouden ze de andere clans overslaan en gewoon naar hun toekomen, maar hij zou het niet toelaten, wat Tallstar ook zou doen. "We kunnen er alleen maar op voorbereid zijn en meer niet." Sprak hij rustig. Er waren genoeg andere dingen gaande dat Riverclan echt niet de volledige focus zou krijgen en dat zou ook wel duidelijk zijn voor de rest van de clan.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedi 3 dec 2019 - 0:41

Cormorant vond het niks, RiverClan. En dat liet hij goed merken ook, want hij sprak fel over de Clan. Normaal hield hij wel redelijk zijn mening voor zich hoor maar.. Ja, nee dat kon hij nu echt niet. Het was beter als Riverclan een keer een paar klappen kreeg zodat ze weer de realiteit konden gaan zien in plaats van iedere keer weer in die fantasiewereldje leven van hun. Hij kon er gewoon niet tegen, die vieze vissen eters die iedere keer deden alsof zij zo speciaal en goed waren. Bah. Verschrikkelijk. "We kunnen er alleen maar op voorbereid zijn en meer niet." Sprak Acorn rustig, waarop hij langzaam knikte. Hij zuchtte even geïrriteerd, iedereen zat in een lastig parket. "Thornstar is misschien wel de makkelijkste leader die ThunderClan ooit heeft gehad. Hij maakt geen problemen." sprak hij zuchtend. Dat kon hij van zijn leader niet zeggen, die constant allerlei capriolen uit voerde. Bah.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedi 3 dec 2019 - 21:46

Het was misschien zo dat Thunderclan nu geen problemen gaf, maar je kon er niet zeker van zijn wat er in de toekomst zou gebeuren. Wie weet hield Thornstar zich nu wel gedeisd om later wat onverwacht uit te kunnen voeren. Niet dat hij het achter de kater zocht, maar het was gewoon een kwestie van het niet zeker weten. "Voor nu lijkt het daar wel op, maar wie weet voert hij ook wel wat in zijn schild." Het was niet dat hij achterdochtig wilde wezen naar iedereen, maar andere clans zou hij voorzichtig mee zijn. Dan maakte het niet uit wie het was, hij zou eerst wantrouwen voor hij iemand echt zou vertrouwen.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 0:47

ThunderClan was veilig in zijn ogen. ThunderClan deed niet veel en van wat hij had gezien durfde Thornstar ook niets te doen. Het was te merken. Het kon altijd omslaan, dat wist hij, maar het leek hem niet iemand die het touw in handen nam en een hele oorlog zou gaan beginnen. Zoals Butterstar wel was eigenlijk. Want het zou niet de eerste keer zijn dat Butterstar iets aan het plannen was. Het was frustrerend in zijn ogen. De leaders die hongerig waren naar meer power, naar meer territorium en misschien ook wel naar alle andere katten in het bos. "Voor nu lijkt het daar wel op, maar wie weet voert hij ook wel wat in zijn schild." klonk er van de kater af, waarop hij even langzaam knikte. "Het lijkt me niet echt een kater die het hef in eigen handen neemt." sprak hij laag tegen de andere kater. Daar was hij vrijwel van overtuigd. "Maar je weet het nooit. Ik denk eerder dat ThunderClan naar RiverClan zou neigen dan naar ons." sprak hij kalmpjes tegen de ander. De meeste clans hadden wel een beetje de pik op RiverClan, had hij het idee. En dat zou alleen maar in hun voordeel zijn.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 20:20

Hij zag het misschien ook niet gebeuren met Thornstar, maar het bleef iets waar hij toch voor uit moest kijken. Katten konden plots omslaan als er iets onverwachts gebeurde en dat had hij jammer genoeg al vaak genoeg mee mogen maken. Misschien had hij al iets te veel katten in al die tijd zien veranderen door het verlies van een dierbare of om een andere reden, maar het zorgde er toch voor dat hij er niet zomaar vanuit ging dat iedereen was zoals ze lieten zien. "Het lijkt er niet op nee," Bevestigde hij dan ook en het was ook zeker waar dat de kans groter was dat de leider van Thunderclan eerder naar Riverclan zou neigen dan naar hen. "Thunderclan en Riverclan hebben vaak genoeg gevochten over Sunning rocks, dus het zou niks nieuws zijn als dat gebeurde." Hoe vaak zou dat al wel niet gebeurd zijn door alle generaties heen?

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 23:12

Van alle leaders die er op dit moment waren, vond hij die van ThunderClan nog het beste. Eentje waarvan ze het minste hoefden te verwachten. Het moment dat ThunderClan hen zou aanvallen wist je wel dat ze heel erg in de knel zaten, want dan leek hem dat ze eerder naar RiverClan ging. Dat was ook makkelijker met grenzen, wie wilde nou het donderpad over om een stuk territorium te gaan claimen? Hij niet tenminste. "Het lijkt er niet op nee," bevestigde de kater tegen hem. Ze hadden andere dreigingen. BloodClan, WindClan en vooral RiverClan. Ze hadden dan nog het geluk dat ze het verste af zaten van RiverClan, maar je wist nooit wat Butterstar nu weer zou gaan verzinnen. "Thunderclan en Riverclan hebben vaak genoeg gevochten over Sunning rocks, dus het zou niks nieuws zijn als dat gebeurde." Hij knikte even, die twee clans bleven maar ruzie maken over van wie het kleine stukje territorium nou was. "En dat terwijl het niet eens een gedeelte is waar veel prooi is." sprak hij met een oogrol. Een deel van het bos kon hij wel begrijpen maar dit?? Wat was dit nou weer voor een onzin? "Puur principe gedoe voor beide clans, kinderachtig." mompelde hij even fronsend tegen de kater.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimevr 20 dec 2019 - 21:52

Sunningrocks had always been a place for fighting between the two clans. But he honestly didn't care about the fact that it happened. After all, if they fought with one another they would stay away from Shadowclan. It was childish indeed, but that were most fights. Sometimes with the littlest thing a fight would already erupt and before you knew it even escalate. "At least they're busy with each other then." Of course it was hard to keep al the threats away from Shadowclan, but he could at least try his best to minimize them as much as he could. Bloodclan would always be a real threat until they did something. After all, they had taken too many cats if you asked him, but Tallstar didn't seem one to take action yet and he honestly wondered how long it would take the tom to realize the threat. "It's best if there was no fighting anymore, but even I know that it is unavoidable." There had already been too many fights in the past and that wouldn't just change.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimezo 22 dec 2019 - 23:35

If there was one thing childish in his opinion, it was the battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan, the battle of the sunning rocks. He never understood the point and many cats have died for the little piece of territory. What kind of leader are you when you lead your cats to their death? For a piece of territory that isn't even usefull? It was horrible, he hated it to the bone and most of all- he was disgusted. But it was back into ThunderClans possession for quite some time now, call it a record. "At least they're busy with each other then." Acorn said to him, to which he nodded, but still slightly frowned. "Yeah, don' want no reckless leaders to hunt us down." he rumbled with the frown. If they would fight like that over that piece of territory, how bad would the fights be if it was for a good piece of territory? "It's best if there was no fighting anymore, but even I know that it is unavoidable." He nodded, agreeing with the tom-cat. No matter what they were doing, no matter what was going on, somewhere in this forest would be a fight. Be it verbally or physically. "Even if they try, we're stronger. Ya know we are." He said with a small nod. He couldn't imagine them being weaker. That was just not happening.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimema 23 dec 2019 - 20:01

If they ever tried to take some of their territory, he would make sure they wouldn't get it. They couldn't be weaker than the other clans, that was just not possible. And even if they were, he still wasn't planning on giving any territory up if he could help it. Although it wouldn't be his decision to make in the end, it would be Tallstar's. That was if the leader would be the one leading the battle or if he would be the one leading. He really couldn't guess what Tallstar would do if it came to it. "I'm sure we're stronger." And even if they were not, they wouldn't give up. "I will never give a piece of our territory to another clan, though it is not my decision to make in the end." As deputy he would still have to listen to his leader after all, though sometimes he wished he could just not and make his own plans. Still this would also show weakness to the other clans and that was not something that the other clans needed to know.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimema 30 dec 2019 - 21:49

Shadowclan was one of the toughest clans, if not the toughest clan in the forest. He was sure of it, there was no clan who was better prepared for anything than them. They had everything here as well. They had trees, like ThunderClan, but they were used to hunting in the dark as well as fighting in the dark. They could do both. No way that they could be surprised in the dark, which could be a thing they could exploit if they ever wanted to make a dent in the asocial behaviour of the other clans. Make them feel that they're not as powerful as they think they were. "I'm sure we're stronger." Acorndust told him and he nodded. He wasn't even sure they were stronger, he just knew they were stronger. It was a thing that his whole body was translating as well. He was the embodyment of tough and strong. Whole ShadowClan was. Most cats had such a broad build. They didn't have to be quick. You couldn't win with just quickness. "I will never give a piece of our territory to another clan, though it is not my decision to make in the end." The tom told him, to which he glanced to Acorn and frowned. What, he was going to let Tallstar give away pieces of their territory? "It is. It's the decision of the whole Clan. No-one wants to give it away. If Tallstar wants to and you would go against it, the whole clan would follow you." He spoke clearly. He wasn't lying, he trusted this tom. If his judgement told him to go against their leader, then he would follow him.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedo 2 jan 2020 - 18:22

If only he could be sure that everyone would stand behind him if it came to a decision like that. He was quite sure that there were cats that would choose Tallstar over him. Acefray was only one example and he was even the medicine cat. "I'm not sure they would, there are some that are completely loyal to Tallstar." They might even follow him anywhere he went, even if it meant betraying the clan. Not that he had anything to say about that, he followed him once on a vacation after all. But he knew that he couldn't do that again. He couldn't leave the clan on their own again. "But I do my best to be the right cat for that loyalty." It was a huge responsibility and one day he might regret saying this. Leading a clan was a shared responsibility, even if Tallstar sometimes seemed to leave everything to him. If he ever got to be leader he wouldn't give his deputy that much pressure. He would prepare the cat to be the next leader, but not by giving them too much to do. He had gotten used to it now, but it had been harder than he had expected in the beginning.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimedo 9 jan 2020 - 23:47

He couldn't see why some cats wouldn't get behind the choices Acorndust would throw their way. He was more loyal than their leader in his eyes. Their leader always went off and played nice with the other cats, had a kitten with a WindClan warrior, had friends in all clans and maybe the worst thing in his eyes: He was unpredictable. He didn't like it if cats were unpredictable. That meant that there was no way of telling what was going to happen next. There weren't a lot of cats where he couldn't predict what they were going to do next, but yet Tallstar was one of those cats. He could always predict what his dad was going to do, most of the time it would be angry shouting. Sometimes more. And he knew it from the moment he saw his dad eyes. "I'm not sure they would, there are some that are completely loyal to Tallstar." Acorndust told him, to which he let go of a soft "Pft.". He was not agreeing with those words, not in the slightest really. Cats like that were idiots, because everything screamed authority from the cat in front of him. Yes, okay, he took off for a vacation once. But that was just once. And it was with Tallstar. "But I do my best to be the right cat for that loyalty." The tom-cat told him, to which he slowly nodded and grunted in response. A quite common response for him. It was different for each cat, how they responded to it. Some cats would get mad because it seemed indifferent, but other cats could somehow figure out that it was in agreement- or disagreement. He never really did it with a conscience, it was more like a defense meganism, to protect himself from really saying his opinion if it mattered. "Ya'll be fine." He told the tom-cat calmly, looking at the other cat with his calm, stormy-grey eyes. "Jus'... Dun't worry, 'kay?" He told him with a soft nod. A promise to the tom cat in front of him laying in his eyes. He would follow this tom-cat til his death.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimezo 12 jan 2020 - 19:56

It might not be something that was easy to believe for other cats, but he knew Tallstar did have the full loyalty of some cats. Acefray was the biggest example of it. When it came to it he was quite sure the tom-cat would chose Tallstar over him and he didn't know if that was what you would want from your own medicine cat. A small smile appeared on his face at the agreement from Cormorantwing. He hoped he was the right cat for Shadowclan, because sometimes it was quite hard with having Tallstar as a leader. He had to make sure that the leader made no mistakes or otherwise he had to solve the problems that came arose from them. It was just that he wasn't going to undermine Tallstar as long as nothing happened that would really affect the clan. "Don't worry, I won't." At least not while it wasn't necessary yet. "We just have to hope that one day Tallstar will grow up." But he didn't have much hope for it. Multiple cats had already tried to change the leader and it hadn't turned into anything but what he was now. The only thing he did not really like about Tallstar was that the tom-cat was really unpredictable, you never knew what he would do next. "And till that time I will just have to clean up after him every single time." It didn't matter that he hated to do it, it was for the best of the clan after all.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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It's cold - Pagina 2 Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimevr 7 feb 2020 - 16:44

He already knew that not every cat would follow Acorn’s lead, but most of them would. Especially if the leader did something that was unheard of. He hoped it wouldn’t come this far, but then again, you don’t know with a leader as they had. A small smile appeared on Acorn’s face, agreeing with his words. He meant those words as well. He would never lie to his deputy but mostly to a cat that he was getting to know. He was never really a cat that was getting to know other cats. Acorn was an exception to this rule. ”Don’t worry, I won’t.” The tom told him, to which he nodded. Good, that was good. ”We just have to hope that one-day Tallstar will grow up.” The tom-cat told him, to which he nodded in agreement. He couldn’t believe that their leader was that childish, even when he had such a big responsibility to the clan. ”And till that time I will just have to clean up after him every single time.” One of the corners of his mouth slowly rose up, even if it was just for a small period of time. He wasn’t a big smiler, cats always had to do it with the sometimes very small smiles he gave to other cats. But even those were quite rare for him. ”If ya ever need someone to help ya clean up after ‘im, jus’ call.” He told the older tom, his slight smile already gone from his face. He could believe that it was hard to clean up after the mess, especially if it was Tallstars mess to clean up after. He’d rather not be in that position, but if it was to help the other tom than sure. He would accept that.

It's cold - Pagina 2 Unknown
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It's cold - Pagina 2 DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: It's cold   It's cold - Pagina 2 Icon_minitimema 10 feb 2020 - 10:45

If there was something he knew for sure, it was that he had to stay alive long enough for either Tallstar to have grown up or till he had finished cleaning up the mess Tallstar had made of the clan after the other tom was gone. He was quite sure if it was the last thing he would need to grow old, but you never really knew what was going to happen. Life was unpredictable and so you never knew when it would be your time to go. "When I need help, I will definitely ask you." Though cleaning up Tallstar's mess could be quite a hassle. Still he was glad that the other had offered to help him if he needed the help. "I just hope he will grow up instead of doing something stupid to end his leadership." He said. The last one seemed the most likely to happen and if it did he hoped he would still be alive at the time to keep the clan together. He honestly didn't want to put this burden on any other cat, so it meant he just needed to survive.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
It's cold - Pagina 2 38cVMP
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