Keeping me grounded.

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Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 Keeping me grounded.

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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 0:49

Hij was woedend. Tallstar had hen verraden. Hij was niet eens zozeer boos op Tallstar, zoals de meeste katten op dit moment waren, hij was boos op zichzelf. De kater had hem totaal de tuin om geleid. Hij had het totaal niet zien aankomen. Hij was boos op zichzelf, dat hij het niet kon zien in zijn ogen, dat hij de clan zou verlaten. De kater was altijd al apart geweest en goed kon hij sowieso al niet om gaan met de kater want ja.. ze waren gewoon heel erg anders opgegroeid. Daar zou hij het maar op gaan gooien. Ze waren anders opgevoed, Tallstar was veel vrijer opgevoed dan dat hij was. Zijn ogen waren vernauwd terwijl hij over het territorium heen keek. Als hij wist waarom de kater was vertrokken dan kon hij het misschien nog wel accepteren maar dit? Dit was laf. Laffer dan laf. Hij haatte het. Verraad. Zijn nagels masseerden de grond onder hem. Hij was niet vaak zo, maar hij had zijn leider vertrouwd. En het was terug in zijn gezicht gegooid. Hij bleef een vaderskind. Een met veel woede vanbinnen, dat was nu wel weer goed te zien. Hij had niet gereageerd in het kamp, ondanks dat veel katten dat wel hadden gedaan. Hij was niet degene die voor een heel kamp zijn mening uitte. Sowieso niet snel zijn mening uitte.
- Acorndust

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 20:24

Het nieuws aan de clan brengen was niet makkelijk geweest. Een clan moeten vertellen dat hun leider er vandoor was gegaan was niet iets dat hij had willen doen en ook zeker niet iets dat hij verwacht had dat zou gaan gebeuren. Tallstar was onvoorspelbaar, maar meestal had hij aardig in kunnen zien wat de ander ging doen. Toch was de laatste ceremonie een geweest waar hij serieus boos was geworden op de ander en sindsdien was het ook niet veel beter geweest tussen hen twee. Misschien was het dan ook niet vreemd dat Tallstar hem niks gezegd had. Hij had de ander tenslotte een klap verkocht om wat hij had gedaan. Het ene moment wordt je een elder door de kater genoemd een volgend moment gaat hij er vandoor. Hij merkte op dat hij ondertussen niet meer alleen was en liet een wat zwakke glimlach zien aan de kater voor hem. "Cormorantwing," Dit was tenminste een van de warriors waarvan hij hoopte dat ze aan zijn kant zouden staan in dit alles. Het was lastig te bepalen wie te vertrouwen nu, maar deze kater had het van hem en hij hoopte dan ook dat dit niet gebroken zou worden.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimewo 18 dec 2019 - 23:13

Tallstar had left the clan with only giving notice to a couple of cats. He was absolutely gutted. Tallstar had always been the 'fun' leader, one who couldn't be taken seriously and yet again-- he had proven just that. He was pissed off, done with his antics. He was so occupied with being angry, that he didn't even notice Acorndust approaching him until he came into view. The older tom-cat showed him a weak smile, he couldn't even imagine how he must've been feeling. It must be tough on him, especially when almost no-one in the clan was taking his side. "Cormorantwing," the tom-cat greeted him and Cor nodded back to greet his deputy/leader/whatever he was right now. "Acorndust." he rasped to the older tom, before swallowing around the knot in his throat. "How ya been holdin' up?" he asked, even though his stormy blue eyes were still showing anger. But it wasn't directed at Acorndust, far from it. Tallstar was lucky that he didn't bump into him, because he would've grabbed him at his scruff right there and then. And he wouldn't have been sorry about it either.

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimevr 20 dec 2019 - 21:54

If only Tallstar had told him why he had left and whether he was coming back, it would be a lot easier on him. He would know what he could tell the clan. Not just all these uncertainties. He managed a weak smile while he looked at the tom in front of him. He had been hanging on, but just barely if he was honest. He wondered if he would soon have the opportunity to take a rest for a bit. "I'm keeping up, but barely." Maybe it was good to have one cat in the clan he could at least be honest to. The rest needed him strong after all. If he were to falter even a little bit, they could lose all the hope they had in him. "If only he would have told me." He left the rest hanging there. It wasn't like more needed to be said about it. Because Tallstar hadn't told him anything he wasn't even sure if he could take the position as Shadowclan's leader now. He had told everyone he would take it now, but what if Starclan wouldn't accept him because Tallstar was still somewhere?

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimezo 22 dec 2019 - 23:36

Tallstar was the biggest traitor he had ever known in his life. And that said a lot, because he had seen loads of traitors in his life. Traitors in his family. That's why he was even madder, madder that he couldn't see that Tallstar was yet another traitor. Not that, almost everyone in the high ranks within their clan seemed to be occupied with something else than their rank. He didn't bother with them though, he was just a warrior. A warrior who didn't dare to speak up. For one reason only, though, Acorndust. He trusted the tom-cat. He had good ideas and they were on the same page for most of the time. He would follow Acorndust to his death if he had to, because the tom-cat was a good Deputy. And would be a good leader now that Tallstar had left the clan. "I'm keeping up, but barely." Acorn said, to which he slowly nodded. It must be so tough for the tom-cat to lead the clan while it was disturbed like this. He knew the tom-cat had to be strong for the clan, tried to show no weakness even though he had a huge burden on his shoulders out of nowhere. No explanation, nothing. He didn't know why the tom-cat chose him to talk about his feelings, he wasn't the best cat to talk to about feelings, but maybe it was due to the fact that he wasn't a cat to just tell anybody about it. He was good at keeping secrets, been that his whole life. "If only he would have told me." He swallowed thickly and nodded. Yeah, if only the tom-cat would've known what kind of burden he was about to carry on his shoulders. "He's a foxdun'." he softly growled to the deputy, because he was honestly. Leaving like this? Leaving his kitten behind as well? What the hell man? "He's a freakin' idiot. He better be gone. No words would describe what I'd do to him." he said with anger in his eyes. He just couldn't handle things like that, he had been loyal to the tom-cat in the leading position. Even tried to accommodate for the tom when he met him, yet this was how the tom had responded.

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimema 23 dec 2019 - 20:06

If only he had been told what was about to happen, he might have been able to prepare if only a little. He would have been able to at least prepare himself and would have known what to tell the clan about what he would do with the leadership. Now he didn't even know what Starclan wanted him to do, but he couldn't just spare the time to go to the moonstone himself while not even knowing if they would talk to him. Sending Bloodpaw would probably be the better idea, but would they really give answers to the medicine cat apprentice or would they just keep things vague. He couldn't help but laugh wrily at the words of the other. "He's an idiot, that's for sure." He had established that before the tom had left, but this made him an even bigger idiot. "I can't say what I would do either when I see him, probably at least hit him in the head again." I wasn't like that had helped before, but he could always try. Still he was quite sure he would do more, especially with what he knew now. The tom had kept so much from him, more than he even thought was possible and he even lied about the fact that Pepperpaw was his daughter. That and the fact that he knew Sinclaw had killed Innerstar were enough to make his blood boil while thinking about the tom.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimema 30 dec 2019 - 21:50

He couldn't imagine the worships this tom-cat had to go through. Not only is their leader gone, some of the cats within the clan didn't trust Acorndust. He had heard multiple cats confess their annoyance about the tom. He couldn't imagine another cat being in the lead now, but Acorndust. The tom had never done anything wrong for the clan. Yes, he had brought bodies in but never, never, was he the cat who killed the cat. He didn't trust cats who thought their deputy would even do that, even if their leader turned out to be a traitor. "He's an idiot, that's for sure." The tom told him, to which he just breathed out very hard through his nose. He was annoyed with their leader, how could he do this to all of them? "I can't say what I would do either when I see him, probably at least hit him in the head again." Like that would help. He would personally take away the last of his lives, so that Acorndust would still be accepted by StarClan, so this tom cat who deserved to be in the lead would still be accepted by StarClan to receive his nine lives. Even if that meant that he was going to the Dark Forest. He would gladly accept that for Acorndust. Tallstar deserved what was coming to him. The tom couldn't just talk with them or anything about it, explain what was going to happen, no, he just had to leave after talking to a couple of other cats. "He's gonna regret leavin' y'all." He growled to the older tom-cat, his stormy blue eyes almost lit on fire. It was hard to make him this angry, but Tallstar had achieved this with ease. Was this always meant to happen? Innerstar made a mistake when she told the clan that she would make Tallshadow her new deputy.

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimedo 2 jan 2020 - 20:33

It made him smile a little, the way Cormorantwing reacted. It meant that at least someone would be standing at his side when he had to confront Tallstar. That moment would probably come after all. If the tom hadn't just died eight times somewhere this would need to happen. Otherwise he couldn't get his nine lives or his name, he was sure of it. Still the way Cormorantwing said it, made him wonder. What did the tom mean with that? Of course he wanted Tallstar to regret leaving Shadowclan, but he doubted it would happen. There might still be things he left behind, but if he had to believe Acefray he would actually come back to take them with him. "I hope he will come to regret it." And when he would come back was when he could officially take over. "But there is just no way he's going to be leader again." He wasn't going to allow that. The question was just how he could make sure it would happen the way he wanted it to.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimedo 9 jan 2020 - 23:48

He would never choose Tallstar above Acorndust. He liked the tom way more than the foxdung who left the clan for dead basically. He hated the way he was acting, though. He never felt more angry at himself, maybe only when his dad passed away. When his dad left to go to StarClan- possibly even the Dark Forest, but he didn't want to think about that honestly. The moment when he saw the light being dimmed in his fathers eyes while he stared helplessly, knowing that his dad was dying. Even if his father wasn't nice to him, even when he was dying he was angry at him. He never received a praise from his dad, never heard something nice coming from his mouth unless it was about 'this sweet she-cat'. He was still his dad and he had depended so much on his dad. But, fine, the tom-cat was gone, forever. The other tom-cat smiled a little, which made him feel at least a little bit relieved. He was happy that the other tom was still able to smile, even if it was this little smile. "I hope he will come to regret it." The tom-cat said, to which he crinkled his nose. He wouldn't want to be under Tallstar's reign any longer. Even if Acorndust would tell him. "Psh." He said softly, while he rolled his eyes. If he was in charge, he would kill the tom on sight. "But there is no way he's going to be leader again." He blinked for a moment, before looking at the tom again and nodded. Good, so they were on the same page. He was happy about that, as he would be disheartened if the other tom was going to let the leader get back to his original place like nothing had happened. "Good, tha's good." He muttered softly, before falling silent and pointing his gaze to his paws. He didn't know what else to say, his anger was slowly ebbing away from his body. With every heartbeat the anger was disappearing from his body and he didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. He rather thought the last thing. Because in a position as this he could say things he'd rather not say. He took a deep breath and glanced to the other tom. " 'm not the best talker." He started, twisting his ears a bit. "But ya 're goin' through a rough time." the tip of his tail softly flicked, because he was nervous. He had never really offered a listening ear or something like that, but this tom- This tom was his friend. He considered him as one at least. "If ya ever wanna... I dun' know. Rant, talk... I'll listen." He said, before slowly looking up to the older tom cat. Because he meant his words, he wasn't a sap, he wasn't weak and he almost never showed this side of him. "Jus'... so ya know." He said calmly, before taking another deep breath. " 'm not a gossiper either... so whatever ya say 's safe." He said, before swallowing around the knot in his throat.

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimezo 12 jan 2020 - 19:58

No it wasn't possible for Tallstar to go back to his position as the leader of Shadowclan. The clan wouldn't be with him anymore, that much he was sure of. So he definitely couldn't let the tom-cat take the leader position again. But it was still a question of how he was going to take over then. It wasn't like Tallstar only had one life left, no there were still more of them. He got taken out of his thoughts when Cormorantwing started talking, saying how he would listen to anything he had to say if he wanted to. He actually felt glad that someone offered it, since it wasn't easy trying to seem fine in front of the clan and leading them, while inside he was actually not fine. "Thank you," He said, though he did wonder if Cormorantwing would be able to take what he thought about almost daily. "The biggest problem is that I don't know who to trust anymore." It wasn't like he had no one he could trust anymore, but there were some where he definitely wasn't sure about. "And I have no idea whether Starclan will even accept me as Shadowclan's leader while Tallstar is still alive somewhere carrying multiple lives." These weren't worries he could tell the whole clan. They needed someone to lead them after all and that was what he would do, even if he had his own doubts about whether he was really their leader now or not.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.  Daryl-dixon-gif-27

Age: 36 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimevr 7 feb 2020 - 16:46

Tallstar’s chance of being a leader at ShadowClan was over. Everyone knew that, hopefully. The leader couldn’t just disappear without telling the Clan why and how. He left them for dead in his eyes. Probably couldn’t handle the pressure anymore of being the leader and decided that it would be better to just leave the clan behind. Coward, that was what he was. He was a coward that deserved to be treated badly if he ever came back. He didn’t deserve the family that he had and he most certainly didn’t deserve the clan as he had treated them. The aloof leader that they had known had left the clan just like that. ”Thank you,” The tom-cat said when he offered him that he could talk to him. He handled a lot back in the day. He had a tough kittenhood, he could withstand everything now because he learned how to deal with it. ”The biggest problem is that I don’t know who to trust anymore.” The tom said and he nodded slowly at the words. Of course, there were some cats that had been very close to Tallstar, so he understood that it must be hard for him to see if they knew anything, if this was all a big plot, or if this was just... Tallstar being gone. ”And I have no idea whether Starclan will even accept me as Shadowclan’s leader while Tallstar is still alive somewhere carrying his multiple lives.” He nodded again, understanding the words that he had been saying to him. ”If StarClan can give ‘im lives, they should be able to take ‘em.” He started calmly to the bigger tom-cat. Starting calmly, even if he didn’t really know what other advice he could give to the other tom. He never had been in the same position as the tomcat. ”Deep in yer heart, ya know who ta trus’. Follow that.” He continued, looking straight at the tom. He meant it, his instincts should tell him enough about this right?

Keeping me grounded.  Unknown
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Keeping me grounded.  DPKsfdL

Age: Dead (120 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Ancient leader
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Keeping me grounded.    Keeping me grounded.  Icon_minitimema 10 feb 2020 - 18:34

If only it were that easy that Starclan could take back the lives they had given, but he doubted it. He doubted that they would even be willing to help Shadowclan with this. They probably had to fix things themselves, the question was just how. He hoped time would tell, but if much more time were to pass he knew they would have to start searching for Tallstar. "I don't know if Starclan is just able to take them without Tallstar willingly giving them up." And if the tom didn't want to give them up even when they found him, this would be hard. Still it was true that deep down he knew who to trust, even though he did think he could trust Tallstar too or at least enough for him to lead the clan, but he could have never been more wrong. "I thought I could trust Tallstar to at least lead the clan." He had been fine with cleaning up after the tom where necessary even if it was a hassle. Yet this was a whole new thing and this time he had just gone too far. There was no way he could trust Tallstar again now, however much he actually wanted to.

If you are strong, you'll find responsibility
Keeping me grounded.  38cVMP
Weighs down on you like you're carrying a heavy chain
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Keeping me grounded.
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