The best journey takes you home [OPEN]

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 The best journey takes you home [OPEN]

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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 9 maa 2021 - 14:47


Take the risk or lose the chance

My birth ground

A cold breeze chilled him to his bones. It was a long time ago but he still could remember warmth. Warmth of Breezesong, her love for him. As their only kit he was smothered in it and he loved every moment of it. His tail twitched when he thought he heard paw steps but he assumed it was just the wind. While he was not that old he felt older then the oldest Elder in WindClan. His flaming green gaze had dulled down to the colour of dead grass, it was how he felt inside. With everything lost and nothing left to live for he rose to his paws. Why should he be down here wen all he needed was up there? The stars ware already fading with the morning glowing on the edge of the fields, a magical time. He shook his scruffy pelt and padded besides de Gorge where Gorsepaw had jumped. The roaring water filled his ears and deafened him. He had no intention of jumping in there whilst another part of him desperately wanted to. Flashbacks of the day Gorsepaw had died quickly filled his mind and he let them play there for a while. It had been a sad day, a day that was harder then giving in his life when he fought off the BloodClan cat for his son. As he exhaled deeply he looked at the small cloud forming. He was done for, StarClan had given him a task or a prophecy he didn’t know. But it had all been in vain.

I will be home once more

He had found nothing up in the mountains and when he had returned he could not go back to how things once were. Glenbreeze had filled in the details, his former Deputy was exiled and Wolfheart had taken his place as leader. As much as it bothered him he knew there was nothing to do about it. Nothing. He exhaled sharply once more and started padding back to where he had laid this morning, he nosed trough his selfmade nest and found the little yellow flower he was looking for and tucked it in his tail. He might not have anything to live for himself but he knew one thing for sure, he could not stay away from his home. He had to go back and see what had happened.

Untill I die

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] JXidV8r
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Little_Gorse_trans
Ava & Sig by El4a
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Dark forest
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Frkp8xW
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

Age: I am eternal (died at 30 moons)
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 9 maa 2021 - 19:41

Just an ordinary day. Another day in WindClan. He slowly became used to his new role as leader, one that he had to fill in very suddenly. There were times where he thought about that one specific night. A weird night. One leader was set on a path and he was driven into the mothermouth by the wind to receive his nine lives from StarClan. Was it meant to be? Or was this just the start of some cruel punishment they had planned out for him? He hoped Stallionheart was alright, where ever he resided now. But word got around quick, word about a similar tom being spotted by the borders. He didn't think much of it then, probably some rogue.

He was wrong. Ruckus inside the camp caught his ear and he stepped out of the elders den where he had been talking with them. Some cats circled, some cats stood from a distance. Watching and waiting. In the midst of the cast he saw a familiar face. He didn't expect him to be back so soon, but he was somewhat glad to see him again, doing well. They had been friends after all. "Stallionheart," he greeted him warmly as he stepped closer. "So glad to see you back in WindClan." his tail slowly waved as he walked towards him. He always had a place in the clan. "How was the journey? Did you find what StarClan wanted you to find?" he was curious about the tales he had to tell, about the tribe. His ears were pricked forward, awaiting the toms reply.

Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety

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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimewo 10 maa 2021 - 11:31


Take the risk or lose the chance

All was familiar and felt like it had not changed one bit. As the camp came in sight he gathered his dulled senses to be sharp again. He had no idea how Wolfstar would welcome him, he was pushed in by the winds Glenbreeze had told him. StarClan had a funny sense of humor if you could call it that. He perked his ears and shook some dust out of his pelt. He was sure everyone had been gossipping about him when he had returned and had hung around by the borders. He remembered one evening seeing Fourtrees in a strange way. The trees had caught flame on the evening of the Gathering. Another point for StarClan and them being funny.

He pushed trough the narrow entrance like he had never left and just quietly sat down in the middle of the camp. The place they mourned their dead and sat when there was a Clanmeeting called. All eyes were on him but it was like he could not feel them. He was only searching for some pairs. Those of his children, Hedgepaw and Glenbreeze. None of them he could find so he just waited for the sounds to die out. Then a voice greeted him and he turned his head to see the tom who had came with him for his final visit to Gorsepaw. His voice was warm and friendly but he was not so sure if he was being honest here. Maybe it was all just a mask.

The tom took another step and welcomed him back with questions about his journey and he slowly shook his head. “I will speak loud so everyone can hear” he meowed with his heavy voice. “StarClan has send me on a journey only to abandon me after I left the Moonstone. When I reached the Mountains there were many blizzards and I never found the Tribe.” he meowed sharply. “After another blizzard I returned here. StarClan sure has a funny sense of humor. I’ve seen Fourtrees burn...” he ended and narrowed his eyes. “They don’t watch over us if they let this happen. They have cut us off to connect with them” he thought and waited for the explosion of sound that usually followed when stories were told or when a announcement was made.

Open voor iedereen, er mag gewoon in het Nederlands gereageerd worden!

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] JXidV8r
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Little_Gorse_trans
Ava & Sig by El4a
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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] A328f0c87544e7adda829f42026e21adeb5b8099
You Once Said That You Wished Me To Become A Man Of Worth

Age: 10 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimezo 14 maa 2021 - 21:35

His life had been getting steadily back on track. He was having fun again after all the bad stuff that happened. He only hoped that he gave his best friend back enough joy to feel the same way. It had been just kinda normal and nice. Until his first ever gathering. Leaders had been argueing and Starclan had obviously disagreed with them. Flames had erupted and engulfed one of the trees at Fourtrees. The one near Riverclan. Hedgepaw didn’t know if that was a personal message to Crystalstar and her clan or if it was just a coïncidence. But as if that hadn’t been enough, twolegs had descended upon them and started shooting up the place. Chaos had ruled and Hedgepaw was just glad that he and everyone he loved had gotten home safe. Not all their clanmates had. Briarbell had died. He’d not gotten out entirely intact either. One of the things the twolegs had been shooting, he’d later found out they were called bullets, had grazed his shoulder. A deep cut now resided there and he had been ordered to at least sit out his training for a few days so he wouldn’t rip it open again. His train of thought about how boring it was to keep sitting around camp was put to a stop when a new arrival entered the camp. Or well, not exactly new. It was Stallionheart, his self-acclaimed grandfather and the previous leader of Windclan. Hedgepaw wanted to run at the large tom immediately, but Wolfstar was there before him, already starting conversation. And so the apprentice danced around several cats to reach the front of the mob that had now gathered. Not exactly the smartest thing to do since he was still wounded. But he just couldn’t wait until everyone had cleared out. If there was anything that Hedgepaw was, it was impatient and stubborn. Especially when he was exited. “Stallion!” He exclaimed happily, rushing at the tom.

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Hedges10
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Med. cat apprentice
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] DPKsfdL

Age: 16 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Med Cat App
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedo 1 apr 2021 - 23:22

The happenings of the Gathering were still fresh in her mind as she tried to forget it and aim herself on her tasks. Briarbell, the sister of their current Leader has died. Her friend Hedgepaw had more luck, a bullet wounded him but not deadly. He would be good to go in a few days probably, but she just couldn't help but think about if the bullet had been going lower. The fear to lose her best friend was quite big now and she would visit him as much as possible. She honesty couldn't wait until he was free to go outside again, although she knew that he had to wait. It was the better thing. Now she was standing close to the Nursey, as she had just brought them some fresh prey. It was kind of weird, to see the cat that attacked laying there with kittens. To avoid any more problems, she had quickly put the prey down and left. As the calico was standing outside, looking around to see what else she could perhaps do, there was commotion at the entrance. A bit tired of everything that had happened, she looked up with no much as interest as she would normally have. Yet, upon seeing as who it was, she suddenly was way more interested in this new event. As there, already accompanied by Wolfstar, stood the old Leader of Windclan. Stallionstar or just Stallionheart now. When he had to disappear, thanks to Starclan, Storkpaw was still a kitten and she had to see how Hedgepaw's heart got broken by that, as he had already lost his mother. The tomcat had been very special to her friend and she tried to fill in the empty places that both Stallionheart and Dewberry had left, but it wasn't the same. Hedgepaw must be very joyous to see his granddad, as he called Stallionheart, here. She was right, before she knew, she saw him running towards the others. With his still wounded shoulder. ''Hedgepaw, wait! Your shoulder''she called after him, following him as he went to the calico tom. She also pushed between the bystanders, until she caught up with her very happy friend. ''You have to be careful''she spoke worriedly to him. In a few seconds she realised what she did. She looked ashamed to both the old and new leader, as she had disturbed them. ''Sorry''she said quickly and sat down, looking at her paws.

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Ae29f410

no limit reached:
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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 7wgkHht
❀ Michelle ❀
In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don't know if I'll ever smile again.

Age: ❀ 16 Moons ❀
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 6 apr 2021 - 10:07

You are only a shadow
Fee-fi-fo-fum, you better run and hide, I smell the blood of a petty little coward.

The rumors ran through the camp like rabid dogs. He's back he's back he's back. It was enough for her to push her frail body up from the cold ground. Enough to step outside in the waning sunlight. His fur was as she remembered, and the tom underneath as well. It made her sick, the utter arrogance of him returning as if the world hadn't shifted. As if lives hadn't been lost. As if he was still Stallionstar. But that era had been long lost, the moment he left and now he returned? Had he even finished his journey. Had he seen what starclan so desperately had send him off to? Of course he wouldn't have, if he had, he'd stayed. If he had. He would have never come running home like a coward.

And she was about to tell him exactly that. Pushing her scarred body though the cluster of cats. Past Storkpaw not even giving her enemy the time of day as she stepped face to face with the giant who confined her to a life of misery. The once leader who deemed her unfit for warrior life. Well look at me now. I bear the scars of a warrior and you.. you almost wear a collar like the dog you are. "This is Windclan camp." She hissed, her voice thin and hard as the lash of wip. "Outsiders are not welcome, certainly not those who left with grand ideas and came back with what?" She sniffed. "A foul smell and barely a story of your personal defeat. You're worthless." It felt good to hiss those words, spread her feelings. Say the truth in her heart. He had deemed her worthless now look at him.

Just as worthless as she was.
and who looks at shadows when they have flame?

Those who know what it's like in the dark
will do anything to stay in the light.

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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 6 apr 2021 - 11:34


Take the risk or lose the chance

He had finished his say and with that he actually wanted to find a nest to sleep in. Tired of his journey home but there was one small brown and white object zigzagging trough the big crowd towards him. His hear leaped when he recognized the shape as Hedgek.. Hedgepaw. When Hedgepaw exclaimed his name his smile grew broad and he took the Apprentice in a tight hug. “My my, you have grown quite a bit Hedgepaw” he mewed and took one step back. “Let me look at you” he mewed and after Hedgepaw another Apprentice came skidding to a stop telling him to be careful of his shoulder. The spotted tom raised both eyebrows and took a closer look at Hedgepaw’s shoulder, a scamp mark of a bullet showed on his shoulder but the wound was already healing. He gave Storkpaw a friendly gaze. Both Hedgekit and Storkkit were kits when he had left, now they were both Apprentices. Storkpaw apologized and the tom shook his head. “You don’t have to be sorry lass, it’s okay” he mewed encouraging. ”What happened?” he asked directly to Hedgepaw.

A thing he had expected did happen nog long after his question. Not all cat’s had been understanding with him leaving on a wimp of StarClan and he could not disagree with them. A small cat stepped forward and he had a bit of trouble to recognize the cat in particular but when she spoke he directly recognized her. It was Wisteriawisp, he had not recognized her under all the scars. Her hiss was sharp as well as her tongue. Calm he gazed at her until she had raged off and shut her mouth. He swished his tail and shook his head. “I’m sorry for your problems with me Wisteriawisp but you’re only saying this because you are hollow and shallow inside” he retorted calmly. That was all the Elder was, hollow and alone in this world. And as a matter of fact, she was no longer his problem to take care of. He glanced at Wolfstar and shrugged returning his gaze to Hedgepaw. “Let’s hear those Apprentice stories of yours Hedgepaw, and yours Storkpaw” he invited the black and white Apprentice.

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] JXidV8r
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Little_Gorse_trans
Ava & Sig by El4a
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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] BXcdW76
★You are, I think, an evening star.
The fairest of all stars

Age: ❀51 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Senior Warrior
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 6 apr 2021 - 11:56

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] D9qgc1k-83b9005e-2a8d-4efb-b704-863d970e9e81

Sooner or later commotion always dragged her out of her den. She had to, after all, she was still this clan's medicine cat. Especially now that Falconpaw was helping out Shrimppaw in Riverclan, the workload was almost too much for her to handle. But she managed, knowing that it was the least she could do to make up her prior mistake. So when she heard loud voices in their normally peaceful camp, she quickly tucked away some of the dried berries she was working with and hurried outside. There she found something that brought a bright smile on her face, for her old friend and previous mentor had returned. "Stallion! Oh thank Starclan, you have returned." she exclaimed happily and scurried towards him. She missed half of his story but knew that they'd have plenty of time to catch up later. For now she was filled with joy to know her friend had returned after all those months. The last year had taken way too many cats away from her. Clanmates, friends, all cats she cared about; at least one of them returned. However, her joy didn't last very long. Although most clanmates greeted the calico tom cordially, not everyone did. Wisteriawisp's words made her fold her ears down her back with discomfort. She knew the elder was going through a rough patch, but that didn't make it right for her to take that out on him. Stallion, however, did not have any excuse for what he said. With a pained but stern gaze she looked at the two of them. "Stallion! You have no right to say such things!" She said, flustered. She knew the large tom-cat as a friendly, warm friend, not someone to pick fights with cats she cared about so much. Cats that were much weaker than him, too. Had his journey hardened him? Made him bitter? "She is a respected and valued member of our clan and deserves to be treated as such. And so is he, Wisteria. Please, the time's are rough enough as they are without infighting," maybe he was just tired, worn down form his journey. That still didn't excuse him to pick fights with an elder. Routnose saw Wisteriawisp as much as a daughter as she used to see him as a father figure, the last thing she wanted was more negative sentiments in her clan.

It is both a blessing and a curse
The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 30590612_yVgB0fTiWICp29j
to feel everything so very deeply
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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] 7wgkHht
❀ Michelle ❀
In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don't know if I'll ever smile again.

Age: ❀ 16 Moons ❀
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimedi 6 apr 2021 - 12:15

You are only a shadow
HE didn't. It took all in her to keep a smirk from running over her lips as her tail lashed. Lowering her body as a snarl ran over her tainted lips. The great leader showed her true face and it was just as ugly as hers. And now the whole clan would see what she had seen all those moons ago when he banished her to the elderden.

Too bad Stallionheart. Words don't hurt me anymore, you see, nothing much hurts when your whole body is made up of scars. Turns out feelings don't last. Routnose pushed herself past, spoke to him as if he was a kit and turned that same tone to her which made her roll her eyes. She wasn't her kit. When would that stupid cat learn.

"I don't need you to pick my fights for me mom." She snarled lashing her tail and took another step forward to Stallionheart, blocking his sight of the two apprentices. "Keep that honeyed tongue to yourself thug." The elder hissed. Storkpaw already hated her, Hedgepaw was too stupid. They shouldn't listen to anything this outsider had to say. "I wasn't done talking to you." She narrowed her eyes. "Come on fat guy, what were you saying about my hollowness. At least I had the balls to stay with my clan and not run." Letting her nails run though the ground she smirked. "And I have the balls to turn yours inside out right here, right now if you don't show respect to our leader and deputy and wait for them to say what you can and cannot do. Outsider." I know why you're here rat and it won't work. I won't let it work.

I will protect windclan from the likes of you
and who looks at shadows when they have flame?

Those who know what it's like in the dark
will do anything to stay in the light.

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The best journey takes you home [OPEN] A328f0c87544e7adda829f42026e21adeb5b8099
You Once Said That You Wished Me To Become A Man Of Worth

Age: 10 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The best journey takes you home [OPEN]   The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Icon_minitimeza 10 apr 2021 - 0:07

He smiled brightly as he was pulled in a hug and got a comment at how he’d grown. Well obviously, he wasn’t going to stay a little kitten forever. His smile fell a little at what happened next though. Storkpaw was close on his heels, warning him about the wound on his shoulder. The calico tom picked up on it, though, and asked him what had happened. “It was at the gathering, there was a big explosion and fire and twolegs started shooting at us. I’m fine though! It’s just a graze, I promise!” To be honest, he had forgotten about it for a moment in seeing Stallionheart back in Windclan. He’d dutifully stayed in the clan and had watched over his siblings, just as the large tom had told him to. Storkpaw also apologised for interrupting the leader and ex-leader, something that hadn’t come to his mind either. A crowd had now gathered a little and he realized that he might very well come off as disrespectful. He was about to sheepishly apologise too, but he was cut off by Wisteriawisp who seemed very angry. He didn’t know why she was so rude to Stallionheart, but what she was talking about clearly seemed to be personal. And they also seemed to be getting on the nerves of his self-acclaimed grandfather, because he wasn’t very nice back. Not that Hedgepaw could really blame him. Wisteriawisp wasn’t done though, she kept on going, talking about how Stallionheart had run from the clan. “That’s not true!” Hedgepaw interjected. “He had to go, Starclan told him to! Don’t you believe in our ancestors?” He was probably speaking out of line here and he would love it more than anything to go and talk about all the things he’d experienced as an apprentice, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t just let the she-cat tell lies about the tom he looked up to.

The best journey takes you home [OPEN] Hedges10
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