The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]

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The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] DPKsfdL

Age: 23 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Tunneler
BerichtOnderwerp: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimeza 2 jul 2022 - 22:08

The Butterfly Effect
to learn how to love again

The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] ScarlettThe Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] 7848-56
Zoals wellicht nu bekend is met het laatste topic worden Scarletmacaw en Mottleshroud ouders. Dit was een verrassing voor hen beide omdat ze enkel een one night stand hadden en nooit kittens wilde krijgen op deze manier. Dit betekend dan ook dat er nog gezocht wordt naar een twee of drietal kittens. Hierbij moet er wel worden vermeld dat er enkel zoveel kittens gekozen worden als deze passen in het nest en bij de ouders.

Naast Scarletmacaw en Mottleshroud zal ook Breezefall een belangrijke rol spelen in het leven van de kittens. Dit omdat hij de partner is van Mottleshroud en Scarletmacaw er alles aan zal doen om te zorgen dat haar kittens hun biologische vader zullen kennen. Zodat ze niet dezelfde start in hun leven hebben zoals Scarletmacaw had. Zonder vader.

Butter en Eden zullen beide ook een kitten spelen. Eden's kitten krijgt de naam Swallowtail en die van Butter zal Fieryskipper of Crescentspot heten. Deze kittens zullen zoals je merkt namen krijgen in het vlinderthema. Dit betekend dan ook dat er van jullie verwacht wordt namen te gebruiken die bij dit thema aansluiten. Om ideeën te geven en het wat makkelijker te maken zal er een lijstje worden toegevoegd met namen van vlinders in het Engels. Wel moeten wij hierbij vermelden dat het voor geen van de namen gecheckt is of deze al bestaan en bij bepaalde namen het misschien verstandig is om even te checken met het team of ze daadwerkelijk mogelijk zijn. Neem de lijst dan ook enkel als hulp of inspiratiebron. De namen mogen gebruikt worden in je aanmelding en je mag zelf ook iets verzinnen.


Scarletmacaw is net zoals haar broer Blazestar bijzonder klein en breed gebouwd met een lange rood, wit, grijs gestreepte vacht en amberkleurige ogen die soms bijna lijken te vlammen.

Mottleshroud is bruinrood gevlekt, kortharig en heeft groene ogen. Zijn bouw is ook slank en hij staat hoog op zijn poten.

Dit betekend dat de vachtkleuren rood - grijs - bruin - wit kunnen en combinaties daarvan mogen.
De oogkleuren groen - amber - blauw mogelijk zijn.

Als bouw zou het logisch zijn als het geen extreem grote katten zijn omdat ze volbloed Windclan zijn.

Heel veel succes en plezier met het maken van een aanmelding!

De deadline zal nog komen.

Eden & Butter
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The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] DPKsfdL

Age: Unborn
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Kitten (rawr)
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimeza 2 jul 2022 - 23:01


I can dim the lights and sing
you songs full of sad things


Name: Swallowkit - Swallowpaw - Swallowtail
Gender: Tom-cat
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: Kit - Apprentice - Warrior (Moorrunner)

Positive: humoristic - protective - charming - energetic - extrovert - observant
Negative: sarcastic - jealous - stubborn - arogant

Swallow is a very charming guy. He sure knows his way around the ladies and gentlemen in camp. He has a big precense, and he's rather loud. He's very lovable, but also very loving. You can't wish yourself a better friend, he's protective and humoristic and will always know a way to cheer you up. He will bascially do anything in his power in order to keep his friend and clanmates from any harm. Making him a commited fighter and loyal clan member. Being so protective over his friends and family also makes him a bit jealous when he sees other get close to them. However, he often doesn't show this. Whenever he sees the oppurtunity he will throw a sarcastic comment your way. Altough, some cats will find him a bit arogant maybe even though it's never his intention to be a douchebag. He definetly has some type of ADHD, he's very hyper. Especially during his time as kit and apprentice. His mentor wil have his paws full with him. He's also quite stubborn. Once he's got an idea or plan on his mind you'll probably won't get it out of him until he tried it. He's not afraid to fight. He struggles with commitment in a relationship. He will probably struggle to stay loyal to his current partner because he's one to quickly get bored or unstatisfied.  He's always a bit uneasy about his trio parents. He knows his mom and dad don't really love eachother which is hard for him to accept. He can't seem to see Breezefall as his second father figure. It's confusing to him. So he blocks it out. He's not super close with his parents, but he is with the rest of his family.

Swallow is a silver tabby with a semi long fur. His pelt is bright silver with much darker stripes spread over his fur. He has a white chin and belly, along with white paws. Just like his father he has long legs, however he's small like his mom and most other Windclan cats. He has strong muscles hidden underneath his skin. He has small paws, but with long and sharp claws. He's swift. Making him a good hunter. He's a quick thinker and has the strength for a good fighter. He gained most of his facial features from his dad with oriental blood. Such as a broad nose, big ears and big eyes. He doesn't have any scars yet.

[url=1 ][/url] - [url= 2 ][/url] [url = 3 ][/url]

Family & Relations:

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Medicine cat
The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Kfjj0PI

Age: 18 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Medicine Cat
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimema 18 jul 2022 - 17:21

every cocoon will have a butterfly
NAME Fierykit
REASON Fierykit had been given her name because of the fact that she has party red fur. She is loosely named after her uncle Blazestar.
WARRIOR NAME Fieryskipper
REASON Fieryskipper is quite a headstrong she-cat and tends to do her own thing. Being more of a leader, than a follower. Although she has not that much of an ambition to become a high ranking cat. Fieryskipper is also a kind of butterfly with redish and brown markings making it a great fit in this litter.
WARRIOR NAME Crescentspot, in this case her name will be changed because of an injury at her hip giving her crescent shaped scars. As she shows remarkable strenght and bounces back easily the Leader believes a totally different name is fitting. She also would ask for a different name as after that injury she does not act as fiery as before.
GENDER Female - She-cat
SEXUALITY Heterosexual?
RANK Kitten - Apprentice - Warrior [Tunneler]

Fierykit is a short haired, dainty looking kitten. She is small like her mother and had the slender build like her aunt Daintywhiff. She had sparkling eyes, one blue and the other green. Her pelt is mostly white with red markings and upon those markings Fierykit shows tabby like stripes. Fierykit will never be very impressive in her looks although her mindset and personality will make up for it. Fierykit will never outgrow her childlike and innocent frame which might make it a little more difficult for Fierykit to fit in with the rest. Like a butterfly she is very tender, soft and seems to be able to be blown away by just a wisp of wind. Fierykit had mostly oriental looks and as such bigger ears than most cats, ears that seemingly hear everything and are always upright, alert and moving around.


Fierykit is a very independent kitten. As she tends to be confused by the relationships other cats have. For her it is seemingly normal that she has two father figuren and one mother and although it sometimes confuses her a little - for she does not always know who to listen to - Fierykit tends to love the extra attention. More attention also means vetter chances. Fierykit looks up to the fact that she is named after her uncle, whom is the current Windclan Leader and as such wants to impress him early on.

Fierykit looks like she is nothing, but she never allows herself to be holding back. She might not be able to always be the strongest however the she-cat never backs down. What is one step more? She is always ready to rumble, ready to show everyone that even the smallest kitten might be able to draw blood from An opponent. Fierykit is fast in movements and thoughts rarely does the kitten think before she acts.

Fierykit has a strong intuition and secretly hopes that the intuition proves that Starclan likes her. It would after all be wonderful if she is seen as better or more than others. Secretly Fierykit might be a little scared and insecure about her own body. She fears that someone might tell her she can not do something. Fierykit is gentle and friendly to those that accept her mindset and her wish to always be the best of the best. Although she can be jealous of those that seem to have more. After all the grass is always better at the other side. Sometimes she might even show disinterest in her siblings because she always thinks she needs to fight for attention, love and appreciation. Fierykit is sensitive even though she generally hides it behind her smirking face and strong believes and wishes. Fierykit never ever backs down.


MOTHER Scarletmacaw - Fierykit tends to always want to have her mother's attention and as such always tries new things and providing prove that she is in fact the best.
FATHER Mottleshroud - Fierykit loves being around her father and wishes to be as big and strong one day. She does not understand why she has to be the smallest of the litter and seems to think that being smaller is being weaker.
BROTHER Swallowkit - Fierykit tends to love playing with her brother as he like her does not tend to tire that fast.
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BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimezo 24 jul 2022 - 2:30

Name: Monarchkit, Monarchpaw, Monarchwing/Monarchflight/Monarcheye
Gender: She-cat

Personality treats
Positive: Happy - Careful - Calm
Negative: Easy distracted - Clumsy - Cheeky

Coat colors: Monarch is a pretty girl with a Grey coat and a White mark on top of her tail. She also has some lichter area's.
Eye color: Monarch has bright blue eyes that seem to look right through you.
Build: She is a slim, tall cat. She had a short furlenght and normal sized ears and paws. Monarch has an extraordinary long tail.

Dat is het wel

Liefs, Esmee.
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The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] DPKsfdL

Age: 0 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Kitten
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimezo 18 dec 2022 - 10:00

ik kan geen css sorry. igg hier de link naar de powerpoint die wel leuke opmaak heeft, mocht je daar van houden!


names: speckledkit speckledpaw speckledwood
origin: a ‘speckled wood’ is a butterfly species commonly found in woodland area’s throughout most of eurasia and northern africa. the brown base with its yellow speckles somewhat looks like a reverse of speckledkit’s fur.
pronouns: doesn’t really care, tends to use she/ her with the occasional they/them
sexuality: bisexual


short: a nimble golden-brown cat with pale green eyes and bengali-like rosettes markings.
color: a sandy brown color, shining almost golden in the sunlight. the markings would be most commonly described as rosettes, the ‘typical’ bengal pattern. to be more specific, speckled has an arrowhead border. color varies from a medium brown to an almost black shade.
eyes: an egal laurel (pale) green shade.
scent: a very subtle heather-like scent, earthy yet woody at once. not very outstanding.
built: lithe and nimble, even compared to other windclan cats. almost lanky, will never built a lot of muscle.
fur: very short, yet never in a well-kept or even semi-neat state. speckled likes playing a bit too much for that.
ears: quite big, though that doesn’t really seem to influence her hearing (which is summarized by “she’ll always pretend not to hear you”).
voice: a high-pitched tone on the edge of annoying. speckled talks very fast and often forgets to articulate words clearly, so she tends to be difficult to understand

personality traits

positive: optimistic imaginative curious tolerant
neutral: stubborn irreverent brutally honest irresponsible
negative: abrasive moody overconfident disorganized



Speckledkit is probably best described as ‘a kit who makes it their entire personality to be a kit’. Boisterous, proud, innovative… Many think she does not care about how others think of her, which is partly true. That said, she also has a lot of trouble processing the emotions of others, which leads to her mostly ignoring them. Speckledkit is also someone who prefers being lazy to being tired, and they will take the easy way out, if possible. This leads to her being very irresponsible. After all, why do it if others can do it too? She tends to be incredibly stubborn: the only reliable method to get her to do something would be to say she absolutely may not do that thing. Furthermore, she is very imaginative, and will definitely use that imagination to save time on chores.


Fierykit (sister): Speckledkit doesn’t really try to get along with Fierykit. Having a fairly similar yet incredibly different personality, Speckled doesn’t feel like the two can hit it off, so to say, and doesn’t really try either, because trying to annoy her is just more fun.
Swallowkit (brother: wip
Mottleshroud (father): Where Speckledkit looks up to her mother, she does really, really, really like Mottleshroud. He’s just so much fun to play with! And he’s also an incredible warrior!
Scarletmacaw (mother): Speckledkit really looks up to her mother, and that adoration doesn’t really fade, even as she ages. This tends to result in Speckled doing all sorts of outlandish things for her mother’s attention, even though that probably isn’t needed.
Breezefall (father): Though Speckledkit doesn’t really get why she has three parents whereas other kits may have two, she isn’t complaining! The more attention the better, right? Breezefall has always been a bit of the ‘cool dad’ figure to Speckled, and while they aren’t as close as Scarlet and Speckled, she does quite like Breezefall.


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The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] DPKsfdL

Age: 23 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Tunneler
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH]   The Butterfly Effect [KITTENSEARCH] Icon_minitimeza 31 dec 2022 - 22:19

Bedankt voor de aanmeldingen. Speckledkit zal ook het nestje verblijden..dan is hierbij de search gesloten.
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