[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death

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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi-10
Trust Is For Fools. Fear Is The Only Reliable Way.

Age: 25 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Captain
BerichtOnderwerp: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimedo 1 dec 2022 - 20:30

Skadi x Beef Kittensearch

What's the sitch?

Oei, Skadi en kittens? Hoe zit dat nou? En met Beef nog wel?

Ja, Skadi krijgt kittens, je hebt het goed gelezen, en Beef is de vader. Het is iets waar Bunny en ik het al een tijdje over hebben gehad en wat ons heel leuk leek, maar wat we toch ook even moesten uitwerken. Skadi is natuurlijk geen type voor de liefde en Beef luistert zonder twijfel naar iedereen die aan de macht staat. Een Powercouple? Not really. Maar het is toch best interessant, want eigenlijk mag Beef helemaal geen kittens krijgen.

Why not?

Sinds Orchis aan de macht is gekomen, heeft hij een erg groot wantrouwen naar de kroost van de voormalige leader(s) van de Elite toe. Daarom heeft hij een regel in het leven geroepen die de kinderen van voormalige leaders het verbied om zich voort te planten. Er staat zelfs een doodstraf op voor de ouders. Maar is dit dan een verboden relatie? Nee, beiden ouders zullen een uitzondering zijn op de regel.

De Elite heeft immers altijd nieuw bloed nodig, en hoewel Beef niet heel helder is, zijn de genen van de kater wel sterk. Na een overleg, heeft Orchis toegestaan dat Beef toch kittens mag voortbrengen. Hij is immers makkelijk te manipuleren naar de ambities van de Elite toe, wie er ook aan de macht staat. Skadi, daarintegen, heeft zich met intelligentie, maar toch ook veel brute kracht, naar de macht weten werpen op een jonge leeftijd. Orchis is er zeker van dat hij haar in de zak heeft, maar ziet ook dat ze bekwaam is. Meer zoals haar is dus nodig in de Elite.

The I Couldn't Care Less Mom

Skadi is zeker niet het moederlijke type. Ze heeft waarschijnlijk nog nooit een greintje liefde in haar leven gevoeld. Vanaf jongs af aan was ze al een gevaarlijk iemand om boos te maken, en ze heeft ook geen schuldgevoel. Dit is iets wat een interessante dynamiek kan geven als ze dan toch wel zelf kittens krijgt, want om hun gevoelens zal ze niet veel geven. Ze zal dan ook graag zo snel mogelijk van de verantwoordelijkheid om voor ze te zorgen af zijn.

Skadi heeft niet echt een biologische familie waar rekening mee kan worden gehouden. Ze was als kitten, naar het verlies van haar ouders, geadopteerd door Icecream uit Riverclan samen met haar zus, Shrimpnose en haar broer, Hermitshell. Echter heeft ze deze allemaal onterft in haar ogen zijn ze niets meer als vijanden met wie ze bloed deelt. Haar adoptieve moeder in de Elite is Lethal. De poes die haar uit Riverclan heeft gered en daarna heeft opgevoed.  

The Stay at Home Dad

Beef is in principe een goed geaarde kater, die in een gecompliceerde familie geboren is. Door dat hij vaak niet voor zichzelf denkt, maar gewoon de geboden van een ander opvolgt, heeft hij het dus makkelijk kunnen redden in de Elite. Hij zou zeker meer de family-man zijn in dit controversiële gezin.

Beef heeft wat meer familiedrama in zijn enorme stamboom. Hij is de zoon van Brat, de voormalige leader van de Elite, en een kater uit een van de clans [npc]. Hij kwam uit een tamelijk groot nestje, met wel vier siblings. Helaas hebben twee van zijn zussen het harde leven in de Elite niet overleefd. Eentje is zelfs gestorven aan de poten van Skadi in een duel om Captainship van de Elite. Dit zorgt voor een gecompliceerde status in de clan zelf.  

A Fate Worse Than Death

Ja, dat moeten toch wel kittens zijn. Als je het aan Skadi zou vragen, natuurlijk. Maar wat zoeken we precies? Nou, Bunny en ik zijn op zoek naar Maximaal 3 kittens. Het is natuurlijk Skadi's eerste nestje en ze is ook nog redelijk jong. Daarnaast zullen drie kittens ook meer dan genoeg zijn voor deze jonge ouders om hun poten vol te houden.

Kwa uiterlijk is er heel veel mogelijk. Beef komt uit een enorme stamboom, waar iedere optie van vacht- en oogkleur waarschijnlijk wel in voorkomt en over Skadi's biologische familie is eigenlijk nooit wat vastgesteld. Voel je dus zeker vrij om te kiezen wat je wilt, al zou het natuurlijk wel leuk zijn om ze een beetje op de ouders te laten lijken.

Voor de aanmelding geldt the usual. We kijken niet naar hoe mooi hij is opgemaakt, maar naar de inhoud van de aanmelding. Vergeet of course niet de basics: de persoonlijkheid, het uiterlijk en activiteit. Have fun and good luck to all!

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_17

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death COxUkZt[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death E8v3o2[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_12[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Member10[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Toothy10

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Medicine cat
[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Kfjj0PI

Age: 12 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Medicine Cat
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimedo 1 dec 2022 - 21:45

a wolf does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep
hunger drives the wolves out of the wood
Name Freki
Reason Freki was one of Odin's two wolves in Norse Mythology. The name also did fit the general vibe of this young tom-cat. Wolves are powerful creatures, always on the hunt, they are focused upon family and still are strong on their own. Besides that the name Freki felt slightly mischievous and might fit with the personality of this tom-cat. Although.. does it?
Gender Tom-cat
Reason his parent(s) gave him his name Freki seems to have small grey freckles on his pelt. When he opened his mouth to let out one of the strongest mews one could expect from a healthy newborn tom-cat. It showed of the soft darker grey freckles on his face, ensuring that his name became some strange version of the word freckle. After all, no one would want to name a son such a simplistic and sweet name if he is meant to be part of the future of Bloodclan.

There is a second name option for if you guys like stronger names...

Name Sköll
Reason Sköll is a wolf that was known to hunt on a sun Goddess named Sól. The soft grey pelt color of Sköll might have some sort of drab sky feeling. As such it seems fitting that he is named after something so strong. Besides that the name might sound a bit like skull, and as such seems to fit with Bloodclan.
Gender Tom-cat
Reason his parent(s) gave him his name Sköll looks most like his father and perhaps as such needed a name that could fit with his mother. The first action from Sköll when he was born, was turning his small feline body towards the sun, making his pelt look almost the same color as a skull.

Based very loosely on Lucifer
Explanation Lucifer from the serie Lucifer seems like a general, I don't care about anything but secretly I do. Kind of type. I do love his vibe and even though I have entirely different plans. I wanted to use some similarities to ensure that the vibe will be carried in its own unique way.


[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Tzfuz9H

Laatst aangepast door Remnantwolf op vr 2 dec 2022 - 18:24; in totaal 2 keer bewerkt
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Avacrowmixer
"Here comes a hurricane, trouble is her middle name!"

Age: 10 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Boos
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimedo 1 dec 2022 - 22:30

- savagery knows no bounds -

Listen, boy, there is nothing fragile about you. Inside you rest a host of predators, waiting to be unleashed at your command. Like a scorpion, you must sting when you are endangered, and let your poison paralyse your enemies. Like a lion, you must hunt those that threaten you, and let your roar be heard for all that should be warned. Like a cobra, glide effortlessly passed your hypnotized enemies, only sinking your fangs into those who have wronged you. Like a shark, you must circle your enemies, define it's movements, striking only when you know it well. Those who mistreat you will tell you you are fragile, they will convince you that you are weak. Let them think that you do not know what you hold inside you. Let them think that your heart is broken and weak. And then, when they think that they have won and push you are their advantage... Unleash upon them the waiting predators that guard you, destroy them without mercy with the savagery inside your heart.

Name: Fenrir
Gender: Tom

Eyes: Icy Blue
Fur: Seal point
Fur Length: Fluffy, long
Build: Huge

Fenrir wasn't born a brute, nor was it ever anticipated that he would become one. As a kitten he is just a ball of fur. Adorable and pure, as he is a point. However, as time goes on as his body slowly comes into his actual coloration, becoming darker all over, his size will increase as well. As a fresh apprentice Fenrir already stands pretty tall, looking down upon most of the cats his age. And as time goes on, this doesn't get better. The tom is tall, muscular and long. His huge size only being more underlined by his long, dark fur. Notable patterns can be found on his legs, stripes almost. Those can also be found on his tail. These darker stripes get darker with time as they seem to be apart of his point coloration.
Fenrir has a round shaped head and long ears that are decorated with a generous amount of fluff. Striking blue eyes finish up his look. Fenrir has taken after his aunt and uncle from Riverclan when it comes down to his point coloration. However, instead of him having a cream or red coloration, his colors seem to stem more from his fathers side. The long fur is something that has been taken by both, but his size is clearly something he got from his father.


ENFP - The Campaigner

Based on: Atreus from God of War

Just like every kid, Fenrir was born with curiosity and excitement. Approaching the world with a gaze full of wonder, it seems that he always seeking out new things to expand on that curiosity. Wide eyed wonder filled, a boy that seeks more and more with every new day. He is a true extrovert, not afraid to approach others and take their words into question. He has quite a gentle soul as a kit, being very careful with every living thing. This seems to go in contrast with his destructive body, a weapon that destroys with ease if he so pleases. But he doesn't see it, not yet, what power he holds by simply being. Fenrir takes others into question, but is quite easily entranced by their words if these are chosen carefully. It is not that he is easily influenced, but more so that he is easily put in a position where he starts to question himself. This makes him believe that he can handle anything that is thrown at him, giving way to a very stubborn personality.

Fenrir loves exploring and seems very curious about everything related to magic and religion, such as starclan. Things that can't be explained with logic grab his attention easily and his mind can easily be trapped into a trance when putting these matters before him. Although being a critical thinker, Fenrir is a very emotional individual. He feels his emotions deeply and acts out on them instead of taking a more logical route. This combined with the right upbringing, can make him quite the force to be reckoned with.

When Fenrir gets older he sees how destructive his body is, almost viewing himself as a monster... Or even a blessing. Trying to put himself in situations as to please the people he loves, but never seeing how much damage he does. Fenrir is very short sighted and will act out in violent ways that can result in catastrophes if he isn't careful. He is somewhat cunning and believes he is smart enough to always be one step before the other, almost like a fantasy world. He will soon learn that that world view is easily shattered. How this will influence him further, is something that I'll let the RPG decide.

Back when WC was pretty active I've always wanted to have an active bloodclan kitten. I still want that, an active nest and family would be fun as well. On top of that do I also want some more topics here and starting fresh seems the best way to go. On top of Bell and Crow I feel like I have some room for an extra account. I also wanted to do something with my current obsession: god of war. And with the whole norse naming that Skadi has I mean like come on, it's perfect for what I had in mind. Also if you need a good game pls go play god of war 10/10 honestly. Anyway, free advertisement aside, I really hope I do get the chance to play this man. I tried to keep it short and I'm sorry bit lazy to code a sheet for him as I'm quite busy, but I'll be sure that he has everything when he starts in the rp. That's about it really.
- Jaz out


Laatst aangepast door Crowpaw, op za 10 dec 2022 - 17:33; in totaal 2 keer bewerkt
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Kt8zTVj
A Fanniball
I felt terrified. And then I felt powerful.

Age: 21 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Warrior [Moor Runner]
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimema 5 dec 2022 - 21:33

When a fox hears a rabbit scream
he comes running, but not to help
Name: Häti
Meaning: Uncertain, either "Wolf that chased the Moon" or "Wolf that chased the Sun" depending on your source.
Age: Unborn
Gender: She-cat
Clan: Bloodclan

Fur: Torti with white
Fur Color & Length: Long, fluffy, Orange and black with patches of white
Eye Color: Either liquid amber or icy blue (depending on what you guys prefer)
Build: Feminine, but strong

Combine the strong genes of Brat, with the personality of Skadi and you got this pretty looking, yet very demanding she-cat. Häti knows that she's pretty, but doesn't let it rule her life. She has the sharp tongue that can be found in both Beefs family and Skadis, and she's very proud of that heritage. She very much looks up to her mother, but has strong opinions about cats that are weird or not necessary in her eyes. With her proud personality, its also clear that she is not the damsel in destress. Häti is a good fighter and likes to spar with opponents bigger than her so that she can practice certain tactics. She has a certain curiosity about the clans, knowing that her mother was once part of them. So she will roam the borders often, trying to get a peak in. When she meets someone she doesn't trust, she will be distant and cold, hiding her true motives and emotions behind a stone cold mask.


Motive: Trying to get back in the RPG, wanting to have a clean slate. This litter was the best option for it, especially once I noticed that the name Häti was still open, it fit the theme of the rest of the applications the most. Also, RPG'n cats will be a welcome change from all the high fantasy humans I've been playing lately xD
Tags: xxx

"I don't feel like myself. I feel like I've been gradually becoming different for a while.
[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death LSpYC9J
I just feel like somebody else."
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Tumblr_ndca8cJtFl1tsd4f8o1_100
Mark toch
She acts as if it was easy to let her go, but she never saw the claw marks I had left all over her skin.

Age: 18 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Young-Warrior
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimewo 4 jan 2023 - 22:24

The Bear

Only Victory! Or Death!

Name: Rollo
Other name(s): The Bear, Rolf
Name meaning: Famed wolf

Sex: Tom-cat
Gender: Tom-cat
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Voice: Clive Standen

Zodiac: Pisces
Rollo is a real alpha male: strong, stubborn, and aggressive. He is burning with passion/ambition and often seething with anger. His soulmate therefore needs to be a tender person who can calm him down and counter his dramatic streak. Pisces are no strangers to a victim complex which suits him good making him not the best brother in the universe.

Rollo’s personality type: ESTP, The Entrepreneur

He’s definitely a complex character, not quite a hero, not quite a villain.. probably.

He’s impulsive and loves going on adventures, making him an ESTP. He never seems content to sit in one place for too long, much preferring to go roaming whenever he can. He never backs down from a fight. Rollo essentially just comes across as a free spirit, someone who wants to be renowned everywhere. He’s actually almost textbook ESTP.

Personality traits:

Worst: Selfish - Cruel - Jealous & Spiteful - Merciless - Impulsive.

Best: Loyal(ish) - Confident & Brave - Determined & Ambitious - Passionate - Strong-willed.

Rollo certainly has his moments, both good and bad. It's time to dive deep into this headstrong and tough character, and even beyond everything that he tries not to show. Surprisingly, he actually has some pretty great qualities, while he's full of flaws as well lol.

Selfish: When older Rollo isn’t afraid to go after what he wants. Example, he like someone but this female is already partners with one of his siblings? No problem. He will still proceed her and try to lurk her into his own bed. Clearly, his loyalty to his family would be pretty unreliable - and he only cares about himself.

Loyal: He may or may not sleep with your wife and he certainly has other moments of disloyalty, but he's usually there for his fam/friends at the end of the day. He stands up for them and he protects them.

Cruel: I mean, Skadi is his mom and he will grow up in Bloodclan. Rollo is going to be a ticking time bomb because of the way the world works around him. Making it more than obvious that he's willing to be cruel and vindictive.

Confident & Brave: Rollo is confident to the point of arrogance, and while this can definitely be seen as a flaw, it's also one of his most redeeming qualities. Rollo will always be confident in himself and in the faith he got taught. Beyond this act, he's also just always strong-willed and confident in his choices. He's as brave as they come - and he'll never turn away from a battle.

Jealous & Spiteful: Sure, Rollo has moments where he would do anything to save the others around him but it would be hard to forget when he will pretty easily persuaded to fight against the same ones he just saved - purely out of spite and jealousy :’)

Determined & Ambitious: When Rollo actually sets his mind to something, he's more than capable of achieving it. Whatever this may be in the future.

Merciless: There will be many, many times to point to where Rollo really doesn't value other life. He is a brutal warrior, and he pays little mind to his own cruelty when he's focused on a certain target or goal. He wouldn’t even really have it in him to show his family nor friends any mercy when they block his way. Just the way his mother would probably teach him (;

Passionate: Rollo has a lot of strong feelings, and not all of them are good. However, Rollo really takes his duties seriously. He's always been passionate about being successful and having a strong reputation. When he will succeed in finding a mate there will be a new side of passion and patience that others get to see from Rollo.

Impulsive: This is probably the trait that gets Rollo into the most trouble. He does whatever is best for him at that very moment, regardless of the consequences or the long run. He isn't very serious when it comes to life and death, and others might find themselves a little confused when he jumps into battle or laughs in the face of death. His impulsivity will certainly cost him few of his nine lives and everyone's faith in him, multiple times.

Strong-willed: This kind of goes hand in hand with determination and bravery, but there really is something to be said about Rollo in battle. While the violence isn't commendable, he's an impeccable leader in the field. He makes quick and smart decisions, and never falters. Rollo might just be the guy everyone wants to fight alongside, because he likely won't die, and he's also so strong-willed enough that he'll continue to press on regardless of the circumstances. This is one of his a pretty powerful personality traits.

Coat colour: Brown
Coat pattern: None
Coat length: Very thick, bear like fur. When growing up his fur will grow long around his chin and neck. (Like a beard)

Breed: None specific. Mixed. Leaning Maine coon x Norwegian Forest cat

Eye colour: Dark
Nose colour: Dark brown
Pawpads colour: Ochre
Inside the ears colour: Ochre

Build: Rollo is an extremely good mix between his parents. He has the amazingly giant build from his father with the ripped muscles from his mother. A powerful tom-cat who’s gonna be a very good win for Bloodclan.

Extra Rollo traits and funny facts

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Big eater. He can swallow 2 hares in one sitting.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ He believes in the same religion as Orchis and will see the General as a god like figure.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Likes to swim and is exactly very good in it.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Can only sleep on cold substrate. Will be sleeping in the snow when winter hits.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Very proud of his long bearded coat
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Has no control nor feeling in his tail
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ He smells like a rainy forest
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ He will break some of his teeth(s) as a kid

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Smoke10
Groot pakje Marlboro rood
[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Agateo13
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi-10
Trust Is For Fools. Fear Is The Only Reliable Way.

Age: 25 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Captain
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimema 9 jan 2023 - 19:20

Dun Dun Dun

Er is een deadline bekend!!
Wegens een drukte in het echte leven hebben Bunny en ik besloten om de deadline op 15 Februari te zetten. We hopen dan weer lekker actief te kunnen zijn en dit goed van start te doen! De eventuele tijd van het kiezen komt later nog, maar zo hebben jullie een richtlijn c:

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_17

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death COxUkZt[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death E8v3o2[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_12[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Member10[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Toothy10

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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death DPKsfdL

Age: 64 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Senior warrior
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimewo 11 jan 2023 - 23:34

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Runin

Name: Eydis
Gender: She-cat
Parents: Skadi x Beef
Clan: Bloodclan

Pelt color: Diluted torbie with white
Eye color: Orange
Fur length: Long
Build: Big and strong

Good: Adventurous, Attractive, Calm, Capable, Clever, Confident, Observant, Shrewd
Neutral: Deceptive, Proud
Bad: Calculating, Deceitful, Devious

Wat ik voor haar in gedachten heb qua karakter is dat ze aan de ene kant rebels zal zijn en het liefste doet wat ze zelf wilt, maar dat ze ook niet verantwoordelijk wilt zijn voor haar eigen daden. Ze probeert het dan ook vaak genoeg te draaien dat het een idee van iemand anders was als ze iets fout had gedaan. Het is een basisidee van wat ik met haar karakter voor me zie. Ze zal onschuldig proberen te lijken, maar stiekem is ze dat absoluut niet.

Motivatie: Ik heb hier eerst even goed over na zitten denken of ik me ging aanmelden. Ik wilde jullie tenslotte niet met een inactieve kitten opzadelen, gezien ik van mezelf weet dat ik in elke clan makkelijk kan posten, maar Bloodclan voor mij heel erg verschilt per account. Ik wilde dan ook eerst een goed idee hebben, waarvan ik weet dat het me zal interesseren om het ook uit te voeren. Ik hoop dan ook dat ik de kans zal krijgen, maar dat is aan jullie om te beslissen^^. Ik zal in ieder geval mijn uiterste best doen om actief met haar te blijven.

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death 3tDKfQ
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death DPKsfdL
Everything you lose is a step you take <3

Age: 3 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Kit
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimewo 18 jan 2023 - 19:48


Name: Meatball
Age: Unborn
Clan: Bloodclan
Gender: She-cat
Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Voice claim: Hailee Steinfeld

Name meaning
She was born almost bald, kind of resembling a meatball. Her name was Beefs idea, naming her after himself in a way. After a few weeks she grows a lush coat however, losing the resemblance to a meatball. She tries to get others to call her Meatgrinder later on in life. She hates the name Meatball, because she thinks it's childish and doesn't fit her. The name Meatgrinder invokes fear, and is more fitting for a Bloodclan cat.

She is a lilac calico, her coat pattern is not unlike Skadi.  Meatball is very proud of this fact, and reminds anyone that wants to listen how much she looks like her mother. Her fur colors do differ though, she is like a washed up version of Skadi. Her eyes are a deep maroon, like her father's. Her fur is long and thick and curly in the front. She has strangely long limbs as an adult, and is slender like her mother. Her face is triangular, with pointy and upturned eyes.

Meatballs voice is low and sneering, but gets high and screechy when upset. It can be sickly sweet when trying to manipulate others into doing what she wants. Her purr is low, almost like a motor. She purposefully makes her voice deeper than it would naturally be, as part of the tough façade.

Relationships with parents
As a kitten she takes any attention she gets, and absolutely adores her father. She is very close with him, up until the point she realises he is... intellectually challenged. Everything changes and she starts to loathe him, even growing to resent him for this. This is when she starts to idolize Skadi. Meatball sees how much authority her mother wields, and prides herself on being her daughter. Her mother's validation is all she wants, though she will never get it.

Relationships with others
She is not able to keep long lasting relationships and friendships in her life. She keeps a crowd around her, but does not consider them equal to her. Deeply mistrusting, she does not let anyone see her being "weak". Once she finds someone she does consider her equal, they become her favorite cat. This means obsessing over them, wanting to be around them at all times, and putting them on a pedestal. When this phase ends, she shuts down completely and her passion turns dark, determined to ruin the life of someone who has hurt her. This results in many intense relationships, that some cats won't be living to tell the tale of. She is very competitive and hates to lose. Meatball hates taking orders and hates authority, except when her mom wields it. She secretly despises Orchis, but would never admit to it. The whole religion idea is ridiculous in her opinion. She finds it lowly and idiotic to believe in higher powers. This also means she doesn't believe in Starclan or the Dark Forest. A dead cat is a dead cat, no longer a threat to her.

Meatball wants to be a villain entirely. Other cats view and describe her as a psychopath, and she does everything in her power to endorse this idea. This is not the case though, as she is very emotional. She wants to be as feared and respected as her mother. But to be respected by her mother is a dream, not a goal.

With her gene pool, Meatball is a very strong cat. Her build is like her mother's. A low fat percentage with strong muscles. She sharpens her nails almost daily, making them deadly sharp. She also has particularly strong hind legs. Her long limbs combined with the sharp claws make for a fatal blow in face-to-face combat. She has long and sharp fangs.

Mental stability
Stable is not a word often used to describe her. Outsiders only get to see her worst moments, as she makes a point to be seen like that. But in reality she is quite calm-headed. She is calculating and cruel, and unexpectedly, she handles stress pretty well. Due to childhood trauma [Having Skadi as a mom] she developed borderline personality disorder, and probably some others aswell.

Inherited traits

Skadi - High IQ, Cruel, Fur pattern and build

Beef - Calm-headed, Long limbs, Red eyes

Zoals de meesten weten ben ik teruggekomen van een 7 jaar lange hiatus, en ik ben er klaar voor om weer helemaal in de RPG te duiken. Ik heb een andere kitten, en wil heel graag meer accounts. Ik vind het wel een beetje jammer om allemaal accounts met NPC familie te hebben, dus toen ik van deze kitten search hoorde was ik meteen al enthousiast. Plus, het is een kitten in Bloodclan! Dat is een challenge, maar ik vind het leuk om karakters met varierende persoonlijkheden te hebben. Ik ben erg actief en reageer op zn laatst na 2 dagen op topics. Verder vind ik het leuk om scenarios te tekenen om de RPG te visualiseren. Ik zou het erg leuk vinden om een kat te hebben die deel wordt van dit nestje!
...Ready for it?

Might edit or add art later <3

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Onderschrift_clover
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi-10
Trust Is For Fools. Fear Is The Only Reliable Way.

Age: 25 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Captain
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimewo 15 feb 2023 - 18:24

Update, sorry nog geen keuze XD

De uiterste deadline is om 21:00
Je kunt dus tot 21:00 je aanmeldingen nog aanpassen, afmaken of voor degene die wil kan er nog gauw eentje posten. Hierna gaan Bun en ik overleggen en hopelijk nog ergens een beetje op tijd een uitslag posten! Sorry voor iedereen die dacht dat dit al de uitslag was, maar die komt ook nog vandaag! <3

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_17

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death COxUkZt[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death E8v3o2[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Skadi_12[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Member10[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Toothy10

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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death DPKsfdL

Age: 14 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Member
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death   [KS] A Fate Worse Than Death Icon_minitimewo 15 feb 2023 - 22:18


De keuze is gemaakt!
Ik kan niet beloven dat Beef al jullie namen mooi kan onthouden, maar hij doet een poging:
De kittens zijn geworden...

Binnenkort zullen jullie drie Bloodclan onveilig mogen maken <3

[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death CBafX1
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[KS] A Fate Worse Than Death
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